เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    8/9:定期维护公告/Notice for temporary maintenance
    We will conduct Regular maintenance for the below dates.

    Conducting date
    JST:2023/8/9 14:00~14:01

    *Only reboot
    *Please note in advance there may round time.
    *We will inform you with more details regarding completing the maintenance.

    Correspondence Details
    Update Information Details
    Evo liquid 46 to 50 added. We will be adding evolution recipes from Evo liquid 46 to 50.
    Awake Crystal 100 added We will adding evolution recipse for Awake Crystal 100.
    Added evolution recipes for jewelry Recipes for the evolution of jewelry (crown/earrings/necklace/bracelet/belt/anklet)★36-★50 will be added.
    When evolving jewelry, if there is a ORBs attached to the jewelry to be used as material, the ORBs will disappear.
    Only jewelry with no ORBs attached will be able to evolve, as the number of slots will be reduced to 0 only when the rank is increased.
    Added ORBs exclusively for jewelry We will add ORBs that can be attached to jewelry (crowns/earrings/necklaces/bracelets/belt/anklets).
    Added ORBs effects Added ORBs for various status limit breakthrough effects
    Added ORBs for increasing/reducing limit breakthrough damage
    *Can be obtained in the treasure dungeon
    New passive skills added to the Primordial Class (6th job) Passive skills with various status limit breakthrough effects will be added.
    Drop items added to each ultra dungeon Challenge Dungeon Coin
    Technical Dungeon Coin
    Defense Battle Coin
    Additional dungeon coins will be added
    Adding new Quests and Achievements We will add quests and achievement to earn status and skill points.
    Each ultra dungeon solo added You can join from the NPC at the Quest/Dungeon.
    New dungeons added Attribute Dungeon Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and [Alliance] Ultra will be added
    Addition of items and recipes We will add "Each attribute Shards" and "Each attribute Fragments".
    They will be dropped from the each Attribute dungeon.
    Recipes using "Each attribute Shards" and "Each attribute Fragments" will be added.
    Addition of room creator rewards for dungeons A function that grants specific items when clearing technical/challenge/defense ultras will be implemented
    *The dungeons with creator rewards can be confirmed on the room creation screen.
    Adjustment of entry items for [Alliance] Gold Dungeon Ultra We will remove the DP Water+ 2500 from the participant cost (only the creator consumes it)
    Accompanying this, we will change the drop items in the dungeon
    We will add a reward for the Ultra Dungeon creator.
    Adjustment of the Crysta Resist Dungeon The number of monster appearances has been doubled and the number of appearances will be adjusted. Drop items will be integrated, and there will be no change in drop rates, etc.
    Dungeon for guilds changed to one for alliances Ultra dungeons for guilds in Technical/Challenge/Defense will be changed to Alliance only. *The number of participants and dungeon content will remain unchanged.
    Updated Help Contents Help > Status > [Final status upper limit for ORB, Skill, and buff etc.]Updated the lower limit values to the latest values.

    *There is no change in the in-game behavior.

    *The behavior in the game has not been changed.
    Opening Events Details
    10th Aniversary Event now being held! The 10th Anniversary Special Site
      Opening Events

    Issues to be fixed Details
    Skill Fixes Fixed a bug that prevented the reapplication of invincibility effect restrictions from working properly.

    Affected Skills:
    ・Yang-God Field
    Completed Details
    Veteran Monster Appearance ~JST:2023/8/9 13:59
    Thank you for your cooperation.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team

    JST:2023/8/9 14:00~14:01


    版本更新信息 详情
    添加了进化结合液★46 ~★50 我们将添加进化结合液★46 ~★50的进化配方。
    添加觉醒结晶100 我们将添加添加觉醒结晶100的进化配方。
    添加了珠宝进化配方 增加首饰(皇冠/耳环/项链/手镯/腰带/脚链)★36-★50的进化配方。
    添加珠宝专用 ORB 我们将在首饰(皇冠/耳环/项链/手镯/腰带/脚镯)上添加 ORB。
    添加 ORB 效果 为各种状态限制突破效果添加了 ORB
    为增加/减少限制突破伤害添加了 ORB
    神越职业(第六职业)新增被动技能 增加了对各种状态具有破限效果的被动技能。
    为每个超地牢添加掉落物品 挑战地下城硬币
    添加新任务和成就 增加任务和成就,以获得地位和技能点数。
    在每个地牢超中加入独奏。 您可以从任务迷宫申请处的 NPC 处加入。
    新增地下城添加 将新增属性地下城初级、中级、高级和[联盟]超级
    添加项目食谱 我们将添加 "各属性欠片 "和 "各属性碎片"。它们将从各属性地牢中掉落。将添加使用 "各属性欠片"和 "各属性碎片 "的配方。
    为地下城增加房间创建者奖励 在技术/挑战/防御战中通关超地下城,将提供特定创建者物品的功能。
    调整【同盟专用】黄金迷宫超级的入场物品 我们将从参与者费用中移除 迷宫动水2500(只有创建者才能消耗)
    调整【同盟专用】水晶・抵抗超级迷宫 调整怪物出现的数量。掉落物品将被合并,掉落率等不会有任何变化。
    公会地下城变成联盟地下城。 技术/挑战/防御类公会的超级地下城将改为联盟参加。*参与人数和地下城内容将保持不变。
    更新了帮助内容 Help > Status > [Final status upper limit for ORB, Skill, and buff etc.] 更新为最新的下限值。

    开办活动信息 详情
    10周年纪念活动正在进行中! 10周年特设网站

    异常现象修正 详情
    技能修复 修正了无敌效果重新应用限制无法正常工作的问题。

    修正完毕 詳情
    老手怪物现身 ~JST:2023/8/9 13:59

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