เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」


  • BUG

    Issues currently being confirmed / 目前正在确认的问题

    Thank you for Playing AVABEL ONLINE.
    We have confirmed the following issues.  

    Defect details
    • Quest "Skill P/Dungeon Coin 1-3"
       →The item to be delivered is a challenge coin instead of a dungeon coin.
    • Material Dungeon Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced
       →The field display name is "Pet Dungeon Beginner"
       *The monsters and drop items that appear are the correct ones that appear in various material dungeons.
    • Pet Dungeon Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced
       →The field display name is "Gold Dungeon Beginner"
       *The monsters and drop items that appear are the correct ones that appear in various material dungeons.

    Correspondence situation
    • Skill P/dungeon coin 1-3
       →The corresponding quests and achievements have been deleted.
    • Dungeon field display name difference
       →We plan to fix it during the next maintenance.

    Future action
    • Reset the corresponding quest progress and restart the modified quests and achievements with the correct delivery items.
       →Challenge Coins used for delivery will be returned.
    • The skill points acquired from the corresponding achievement during the malfunction will be collected.
    • When collecting, we will reset the skill acquisition status of Transcendence Classes and Goddess Classes so that inconsistencies in acquired skill points do not occur.
    • We will correct the difference in the field display name of the dungeon during the above maintenance.

    Regarding this matter, we will carry out maintenance when the investigation and preparation for correction are completed.
    Once the schedule is decided, we will announce it in the announcement, so please check it out.

    We apologize for any inconvenience caused to our customers.
    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team


    • 任务“技能P/迷宫硬币1-3”
    • 材质迷宫 初级/中级/高级
    • 宠物迷宫 初级/中级/高级

    • 技能P/迷宫硬币1-3
    • 迷宫区域显示名称差异

    • 重置相应的任务进度并以正确的可交付成果重新启动修改后的任务和成就
    • 故障期间相应成就所获得的技能点将被收集。
    • 为了防止采集时获得的技能点不一致,我们将重置超凡职业和女神职业的技能获取状态。
    • 我们将在上述维护过程中修正迷宫野外显示名称的差异。


    「阿瓦贝尔圣境 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」营运团队 敬上