Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.
We will have a maintenance on the following schedule with a major update release.
[Dates] From 03/23/2015 8:30(GMT) *Because of the Android Examination, the scheduled time may subject to change.
*We will announce in news when maintenance schedule is fixed.
[Update contents]
--- Added Wonderer's new advanced class
--> Wonderer's advanced class "Battle Dancer" added
--- Expansion for arms production functions
- Can now change the level limits higher for arms by production.
- No more limits for the selectable material amounts when enhancing arms.
--- Adjustments for each UI and display functions
- Displayed damages for enemies at WVW.
- Items in Shop box will be displayed sorted from the newest items.
- Showing the notice when players select the dispose/sell for rare Item(s).
- Improvement on the processing for Item produce/evolve
- Can hide own character's Name and HP bar from Option
--- Added new Arms
- Status will be randomly attached to the won arms.
--- Added new Items
- Crysta Case (Sub baggage which storages equipment)
* Above is our update schedule.
* Scheduled update contents may subject to change.