เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    About Cheat (Fraudulent Activities)
    "Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.
    Notification for in-game "Fraudulent Activities".

    AVABEL ONLINE has set  rules such as the "Term of Use" and "Penalties Policy" to provide a safe and fair gaming environment to all players.
    "Fraudulent Activities" is defined as activities that are against to our game rules.
    ▼About using a Cheat
    Using a cheat tool is an action that will disturb gameplay for other players.
    When we have confirmed such activities, player will be applied penalty level 4 or in certain circumstances level 5 due to interference of our business. 

    Penalty Level 4: Trade and shop functions will be suspended permanently. All items and virtual currencies will be removed
    Penalty Level 5: Permanent suspension of application usage

    *We will apply the penalty without any notifications(Will be applied for actions taken intially)  

    This is against to our "Penalties Policy".

    Again, we at AVABEL ONLINE strive to provide a safe and fair gaming environment to all players by monitoring on "Fraudulent Activities".   "