เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    About "Violated Actions"
    Thank you for playing Avabel Online.

    This will be an announcement for the in-game "Violated Actions".

    In Avabel Online, to ensure our players to play the game in a better gaming environment,
    we have assigned the game rules such as "Terms of Use" and "Penalties Policy".
    Actions violating these game rules are called "Violated Actions".

    If actions corresponding to "Violated Actions" are found, penalties will be applied based on "Terms of Use" and "Penalties Policy".
    According to what we find, strict penalties such as suspension of account login may be applied.
    *Investigations not only include past logs but in-game reports as well.

    If you have any information on "Violated Actions", do not use them and please immediately report to the Operation Team.

    Please refer to the following for the "Terms of Use" and "Penalties Policy".
    --Go here for Terms of Use--
    --Go here for Penalties Policy--

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team