เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    Enjoy the tough battles!! "League mode" will be held!

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    New mode, "League mode"  has been added from today's update!
    It will be held everyday!! We're waiting for your participation!

    [What is League mode?]
    League mode is PvP and GvG mode that will be held on every 20:00 to 23:00.
    By consuming "chance", player are able to attend "Team DM" or "Guild DM". 
    When players enter to the room, opponent will be chosen automatically whom based on players current level.
    After the matching, player will receive the reward called "Guild League Points"
    [About Reward]

    LP (League Points)
    "Point Rewards": Players will be gifted the item when the League Points reaches to required points
    "Weekly Rewards": Every Sunday, players can get rewards upon the final rank results. (Based on player's previous week of ranking)
    "Monthly Rewards": Day 1st on next following month, players can get rewards upon the final rank results. (Based on player's total earning points on previous month)

    GLP (Guild League Points)
    "Guild League Pt Reward": Players will acquired the GP when the Guild League Points reaches to required points
    "Monthly Guild Reward": Day 1st on next following month, players can get GP upon the earned point. (Based on player's total earning points on previous month)
    * "Point Rewards" will be given after the matching has closed. 
    * Weekly Rewards and Monthly Rewards will be sent by mail for each date. 
    Please note that above distribution will be delay upon players connection status.
    * Please tap the "Arena Guide Wallace" for more details which regards to rewards.
    Tap "Arena Guide Wallace" --> "League" --> "Reward:"

    [League Chances (privileges)]
    Your consumed League Chances will recover upon time.
    The in-app purchase item "League Ticket" will recover without waiting for players who wish to recover faster.

    Rankings can be checked from going to the "PvP Ranking Board" and choosing "PvP Ranking" or "GvG Ranking", and changing "League " from "Overall" in the PvP Maps.

    --- Dates
    Will be open everyday from 20:00 to 23:00 (GMT)

    --- How to Join
    Talk to "Arena Guide Wallace" in the PvP Map, choose "League " mode, and choose "Team DM" or "Guild DM".

    Join the match!

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team