เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    [edit]7/26 Notice of Maintenance
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    The following is a notification of an emergency maintenance.
    [Maintenance schedule]​
    7/26/2016 from 05:00 to 07:00(GMT)
    *Players will not be able to connect to the game server during this time.
    *The scheduled time may subject to change.
    *We will announce in news when maintenance schedule is fixed.

    7/26 Edit: Features that will be added in the maintenance have been added.

    [Update Details]
    -Addition of Rebirth feature.
    -Addition of new "Toy" floor in the Main Tower.
    -Addition of "My Room".
    -Addition of "Boss Skill Ring".
    -Release of left hand slot when equipping two hand weapon.
    -Increase of Official GvG participant number from 15 to 30.
    -Addition of Level Sync feature.
    -Addition of automatic Quest acceptance feature.
    -Addition of new filtering in Stall search.
    -Increase of Crysta Case Expand Slot from 70 to 100.
    -Change made so the ORB's effect (STR/VIT/INT/MEN/DEX) is reflected on certain rate, if ORB is added to the weapon inside of the Crysta Case.
    -Change of date/time and contents of Advent Dungeon.
    -Addition of new feature "Guideline".
    -Addition of Mission Window on the upper part of Chat Window.
    -Addition of new arms "Element Arms".
    -Addition of new arms "Astra Arms".
    -Change made so party members can be confirmed before joining the party.
    -Addition to arms that drop in Sword Floor and Armor Floor.
    -Addition of new Emotion.
    -Addition of new Hairstyle.

    We apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you for your patience.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team