Major update celebrating the 3rd Anniversary has been released in the maintenance on 7/26/2016.
Check here for the contents of this summer's biggest update!!
Addition of Rebirth FeatureThe new feature "Rebirth" will be available by talking to the NPC in "Rebirth Chamber" with certain conditions fulfilled. Check here for the details of Rebirth.
*The contents in the screenshot are under development.
3 new areas below will be added in the Main Tower. 34F "Schlit"
35F "Rujuee"
36F "Stufe"
*The contents in the screenshot are under development.
---Addition of My Room "My Room" is a room only for you.
You can coordinate you room with furniture, or pay visit to your friend's room.
-My Room can be purchased from "My Room Manager" in each Base.
-"Furniture" to place in the room can be obtained from "Produce" by using material from limited dungeon, or from "Pack" in the Shop.
-When creating furniture, you can choose freely from the available furniture depending on the "Housing Lv".
-Purchased furniture are stored in the Furniture Storage. There is limitation to storage slots.
-Unnecessary furniture can be sold at My Room Manager.
-Creating furniture will raise your "Housing Lv", and on certain Lv, more furniture can be placed in My Room, more types of furniture can be created, and more friends can be invited to the room.
[Notes] *Furniture acquired before releasing My Room cannot be used until it is released.
*Furniture acquired before releasing My Room can be seen in the Furniture Storage after releasing My Room.
*Furniture Pack cannot be purchased before releasing My Room.
*Furniture will be directly sent to Furniture Storage in My Room (not to the bag) when drawn from Shop BOX.
*The contents in the screenshot are under development.
---New furniture for Guild Room and furniture placement limit increasedNew furniture has been added for "Guild Room".
Giant aquarium, glowing carpet, cute dot wall paper, and mysterious frozen tuna...?
Wonderful furniture have been added.
The furniture placement limit has also been increased, allowing more variation to room making.
[Notes] *Some furniture may be returned to Storage after the update.
*The contents in the screenshot are under development.
*The contents in the screenshot are under development.
---Addition of Element-fixed Arms"Element-fixed Arm" is an arm that have element that cannot be changed added by default.
-By using the applied Element-fixed Arm and 6 Stars and higher Shining Stone of the same element, you will be able to enjoy more tactical battle.
-Element-fixed Arm up to 5 Stars can be evolved by combining "Sharp Crystal" or "Hard Crystal".
-Element-fixed Arm 6 Stars and higher can be evolved by combining Arm with same type and same element.
*Each 6 Stars or higher Shining Stone can only be used on Element-fixed Arm.
*Element-fixed Arm is "non-tradable item" which "Premium Ticket" cannot be used on.
*"Add Element" at "Blacksmith" is unavailable for Element-fixed Arm.
*"Produce" at "Expert Blacksmith" is unavailable for Element-fixed Arm.
---Upper adjustment to dungeon drop-Now normal arms with "equip Lv limit" 80 and higher will drop in the Challenge Dungeon "Sword Floor" and "Armor Floor".
-Now weapon box item with Element-fixed Arm inside will drop in weekday limited Item Dungeon "●● Cave".
---Addition of Astra ArmsAstra Arm is "Element-fixed Arm" that will significantly raise HP.
-ATK and MATK of Astra Weapon is higher than existing weapon. HP will be raised significantly.
-DEF and MDEF of Astra Armor is lower than existing armor, but HP will be raised significantly. -Once equipped, enhance Exp on Astra Arms will decrease after time, and enhance Lv will decrease as well. Enhance Exp will not decrease when not equipped, when in a field with no battles such as the Base, or when logged out.
Enhance Exp will not decrease when the enhance Lv is at 1 and Exp % is at 0.
-Enhance can be done in max enhance Lv, and enhance Exp can be stocked. -Exp available to stock will rise in accordance with number of Stars.
-Astra Arm up to 5 Stars can be evolved by combining Evolution Gangue + "Sharp Crystal" or "Hard Crystal".
-Astra Arm 6 Stars or higher can be evolved by combining Arm with same type and same element + Evolution Gangue.
*Astra Arm is "non-tradable item" which "Premium Ticket" cannot be used on.
*"Add Element" at "Blacksmith" is unavailable for Astra Arm.
*"Produce" at "Expert Blacksmith" is unavailable for Astra Arm.
---Reflection of some ORB status in the Crysta CaseAdding ORB to Arm then Crystallizing will reflect some status.
-Reflected status are "STR", "VIT", "MEN", "DEX", and "INT".
-Not only positive status but negative status will also be reflected.
-Status reflect rate depends on the Arm's "equip Lv limit" and "number of Stars", maximum of x0.25 of the value is reflected.
---Release of left hand weapon slot when equipping two hand weaponTwo hand weapon of the same type can be equipped on the left hand slot.
-From this, Awake, Element, Monster Type, ORB effect, etc. will be reflected as same as one hand weapons.
-"Shield" cannot be equipped with two hand weapons.
-Only same type of weapon can be equipped in left hand. E.g.: Combination of different types such as "two hand sword" on right hand and "one hand sword" on left hand is not possible.
"Silver White Rune Blade" on right hand and "Tycoon Blade" on left hand is possible as they are the same type weapons.
In accordance with above, we are preparing for upper adjustment for one hand weapon cool time.
---Addition of Level SyncIn addition to "Each" and "Even" in party settings, the new option "Synchronize" has been added.
-When the Lv difference is higher than "11" from the lowest level character, "ATK", "MATK", "DEF", and "MDEF" will be decreased. However the Exp and drop distribution will be the same as "Even".
-There will be more decrease if the level difference is higher.
And more... -Official GvG participant member increased from 15 to 30.
-Release of automatic Quest acceptance feature.
-Addition of new filtering to Stall search.
-Crysta Case expansion slot increased from maximum of 70 to 100.
-Change made so party members can be confirmed before joining party.
-Addition of new Emotion and Effect Emotion.
-Addition of new Hairstyle and Face type.
Log into AVABEL and check out the update contents!AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team