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    About new feature "Rebirth"
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    From the update on 7/26, the new feature "Rebirth" has been released.
    Here we explain in details what this Rebirth feature is.
    Benefit gained by "Rebirth"
    The character will gain benefits below by "Rebirth".

    1. An icon indicating that character has reborn is displayed on the side of character name.
    2. Default status value is changed from 5 to 1, and difference plus the Rebirth bonus Status Points will be acquired.
    3. Status distribution limit is raised in accordance with the Rebirth times.
    4. HP, SP and character movement speed are raised in accordance with the Rebirth times.
    5. All Skills of the Advanced Class that Rebirth was done in can be carried over as "Rebirth Skill", and can be used after Rebirth.
    6. Some Basic Class Skill's level will be released up to level 10.
    7. Quest, Challenge Dungeon, Item Dungeon, and Technical Battle only for reborn characters will be released.
    How to use "Rebirth" function
    How to use "Rebirth" function
    Rebirth can be done in the dedicated map, "Rebirth Chamber".
    Only for the first Rebirth, the portal to "Rebirth Chamber" placed in the Base must be unlocked by clearing "Rebirth Chamber Release" Quests, acceptable from each Quest NPCs.

    Additionally, there are some requirements to use "Rebirth".

    -Character Lv is 90 or higher.
    -The Advanced Class to Rebirth in has achieved Job Master.
    -"Rebirth Quest" from Quest NPC in Rebirth Chamber is cleared.
    -Payment of Golds *Not necessary on certain Lv.
    -Consumption of dedicated item "Rebirth Crystal" *Not necessary on certain Lv.

    Rebirth is available from Lv90, however the higher the Lv is, the lower the necessary Golds and Rebirth Crystals gets. For example, if the character Lv is 100, required Golds and Rebirth Crystals for Rebirth are both "0".
    The item "Rebirth Crystal" dedicated to Rebirth system can be purchased for 1 Gem at the Shop.
    Notes for "Rebirth"
    *Your level will be returned to 31 after Rebirth.
    --Only for the first Rebirth, "Rift Stone 100 R" will be gifted as a bonus via GM Mail.
    *Skill acquire state and Job Exp will be reset.
    *Advanced Class release state will be reset.
    *Class after Rebirth will be changed to the Basic Class of the Advanced Class used for Rebirth. (e.g.: If Gladiator is used for Rebirth, the class after Rebirth will be Warrior.)
    *Accepted Quests will be canceled by Rebirth.
    *Uncollected User Raid Reward Box will disappear.
    *Status distribution will be reset.
    *You will be removed from the joined party.
    *Equipped Arms will be removed.
    *After Rebirth, the necessary Exp for Lv up will increase in accordance with Rebirth times.
    *Maximum times of Rebirth is the same as the Advanced Class amount (8 times as of 7/26).
    *Added Rebirth bonus is the same regardless of the Lv Rebirth was done in.
    *My Room and Awake Arms feature will remain available after Rebirth, although not in required Lv.
    [Addendum] Arms that has used Rift Stone, and Awaken Arms can be equipped as they are, after Rebirth.
    *The contents in the screenshot are under development.

    To the world where no one has reached before...

    Take a flight to that height with Rebirth!!


    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team