เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    [9/8 Repetition Post]About Cheat (Fraudulent Activities)

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Currently we are confirming in-game "Fraudulent Activities" such as using modified application or tools. We are strictly policing on such activities.

    "Fraudulent Activities" is defined as activities that are against our game rules. Once we have confirmed such activities, we will penalize the involved accounts.
    Also, when we find/confirm the accounts which has inappropriately gained or traded/transferred (sent or received) item (s) /Gold (s), we will strictly penalize the target account.

    ▼About Cheating Activity
    Account involved in or benefiting from activities stated in our Terms of Use, Restriction of Use section “31. Falsify, modify or disassemble any Service, Content, or Software.” will be punished with penalties below:

    When we have confirmed such activities, player will be applied penalty Level 6 (chat, trade and shop functions will be suspended permanently) or Level 7 (Permanent suspension of application usage).
    *Penalties are also applied to related accounts.
    *Please note that if penalty is once applied to the account, we will not remove the applied penalty.

    *Please visit http://avabelonline.com/outline/rule/ for more details.

    Again, we at AVABEL ONLINE strive to provide a safe and fair gaming environment to all players by monitoring on "Fraudulent Activities".audulent Activities".