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Regarding the due date of receiving the "Pet Exchange Ticket", it was posted as "1/9 23:59 GMT" but the correct date is "1/9 13:59 GMT".
We apologize for the announcement of false information.
We kindly ask for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.
Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.
Do you have a Pet with you?
Don't you think they're so lovely to take for a walk or to accompany to your adventure?
...What?! You don't know what a Pet is?!
It's okay! It's not too late!
This time, the event is for those who want to nurture Pet or want a new Pet!
Everyone can enjoy this event!
[Event Name]
"Gonta Growth Journal"
[Event Period]
1/5/2017 after the maintenance to 1/9/2017 23:59 GMT
Clear the Quests to gather items, and grow Gonta!

[How to Join]
1: Receive the "Pet Exchange Ticket" distributed from the GM Mail before the event start.
2: Move to the "Event Square" from the gate in each Base.
3: Talk to NPC "Tori" in the "Event Square", and exchange the "Pet Exchange Ticket" for "Gonta".
4: Accept Quest "Gonta Growth Journal" from the NPC "Tina" in the "Event Square".
5: Clear the Quest to acquire "Pet Coin", and take it to NPC "Remia" in the "Event Square" to Spin the "Gonta Growth Pack".
6: Take the item acquired in "Gonta Growth Pack" to the NPC "Nell" in the "Event Square" to enhance or evolve Gonta.
[Event Square]
"Event Square" can be accessed from the gate in each Base.
Gather the Quest clear reward "Pet Coin" and Spin the "Gonta Growth Pack" to win prizes!
The prizes are...
"High Salami", "Time Fruit", "Rainbow Seed", "Rainbow Flower", "Custom Tool", "Gonta's Favorite", etc.!
When you get Pet Coin, take it to the NPC "Remia" in the "Event Square"!
*"Pet Exchange Ticket" sent via GM Mail can be received once per account.
*The GM Mail is valid until 1/9 23:59 GMT. 13:59 GMT. Please check as soon as possible.
*During the event period, GM (Game Master) may appear in the game.
*The Game Master cannot reply to questions regarding the game system or individual inquiries.
If you have inquiries or opinions/requests regarding the game, please send those via Contact Form.
AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team