เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    [Event] Guerrilla Rush starts from 1/27!

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    This event is rush of Guerrilla Quests!
    During the event period, Guerrilla Quests will be available 6 times a day, on various times!
    Please help defeat the vicious giant monsters!
    [Event Name]
     "Guerrilla Rush"
    [Event Period]
    From 1/27/2017 to 1/30/2017
    *Guerrilla Quests will be available 6 times a day.
    *Valid period for each Guerrilla Quest is 48 hours from the start.
    Clear and report the Guerrilla Quests that occur 6 times a day to gain massive EXP!
    The Guerrilla Quests available this time will give you more EXP than the usual!
    Plus, the players who gets a good result in each Guerrilla Quest will get "Event Coin" as additional reward.
    "Event Coin" is a new item that can be exchanged for handy item!

    *The result of Guerrilla Quest is judged by amount of damage dealt to the boss monster.

    [How to Join]
    1: Accept the "Guerrilla Quest" from the Quest Manager.
    2: Aim for high result to get the reward "Event Coin"!

    *Guerrilla Quest is automatically cancelled after the valid period.
    To receive the reward, you need to clear and report the Quest. Make sure you receive it within the valid period.
    *There are requirement levels set for each Guerrilla Quest field.

    [Event Exchange Point now placed]
    "Event Exchange Point" has been placed in the Event Square!
    Gather the "Event Coin", and take it to the NPC "Ranm" in the Event Square to exchange with handy item!

    *Event Coin will also be provided as the reward for future events.
    *Please note that it will not be available in every single events.

    Examples of Exchange Items
    "ZENITH CLASH Ticket", "Refine Pilot Light", "Evo liquid Box R", "Mech Lord Crystal"
    For the limited time, there are "Bright Light Armor BOX 10", and "Darkness Armor BOX 10" too!

    *Please note that the Exchange Items may be changed without prior notice.

    When you get Event Coin, take it to the NPC "Ranm" in the "Event Square"!

    "Event Square" can be accessed from the gate in each Base.
    Note regarding Guerrilla Quest
    *Can be cleared by each character.
    *Guerrilla Quests will be available 6 times a day.
    *Valid period for each Guerrilla Quest is 48 hours from the start.
    *The result of Guerrilla Quest is judged by amount of damage dealt to the boss monster.
    *Guerrilla Quest is automatically cancelled after the valid period.
    To receive the reward, you need to clear and report the Quest. Make sure you receive it within the valid period.
    *There are requirement levels set for each Guerrilla Quest field.
    *Event Coin will also be provided as the reward for future events.
    *Please note that it will not be available in every single events.
    *Please note that the Exchange Items may be changed without prior notice.

    Other Note
    *During the event period, GM (Game Master) may appear in the game.
    *The Game Master cannot reply to questions regarding the game system or individual inquiries.
    If you have inquiries or opinions/requests regarding the game, please send those via Contact Form.
    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team