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    [3/9 07:55 Edit]Details of Version Update
    【2/24 09:00Edit】
    As there were some incorrect information regarding "Details of Beginner guide improvement" so we would like to correct it as below.
    *For 2nd to 6th floor, the transfer to each floor from the Base will be available by clearing the Release Quests.
    *For 2nd to 6th floor, the transfer to "the next" floor from the Transferrer in the Base will be available by clearing the Release Quests.
    We deeply apologize for the confusion caused by the incorrect indication, and kindly ask for your continued support of AVABEL ONLINE.
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Update has been applied on 2/24/2017.

    This version update includes addition of "Phantom Gunner", the 4th Advanced Class of "Revenger", "EX Skills" of the 2nd Advanced Classes, and "Item Recycle Feature"!
    Please check below for details! Addition of "EX Skill" for 2nd Advanced Classes"EX Skill" that grants further power has been added.
    This Skill can be used by equipping certain "Skill Ring" which can be acquired from the Quest that can be accepted by mastering each Advanced Class.

    Three points below must be fulfilled to accept the Quest.
    "Currently in the Class that match the Ring", "Achieved Job Master of the Class that match the Ring", "Has done Rebirth for the Class that match the Ring".

    Fulfill all requirements and accept the Quest from the NPC "Skill Master Perseus" to get the Ring!

    [EX Skills of first Advanced Classes]

    Left: Astral Cross (Crusader) Right: Down Burst (Storm Raider)

    Left: Bullet Stream (Gun Slinger) Right: Mixed Pandemonium (Alchemist)

    Left: Fierce Ray (Elementalist) Right: Time Domination (Linker)

    Left: Ex Drive (Spiker) Right: Arouse Eternity (Vampire)

    The EX Skill Rings of the 1st Advanced Classes are made evolvable.The new item Crescent Ring allows evolving of EX Skill Rings.
    Crescent Ring can be acquired in "ZENITH CLASH" or by exchanging "Event Coin".

    Evolving will bring various enhancement depending on the EX Skill such as increase in damage, attack range or decrease of cool time.

    This time only the 1st Advanced Classes' EX Skill Rings can be evolved, and up to rank 3.
    Further evolution and evolve of EX Skill Rings for 2nd and later Advanced Classes will be available in the future updates.

    "Phantom Gunner" the Advanced Class of "Revenger" released"Phantom Gunner", the 4th Advanced Class of "Revenger" is newly released!
     Phantom Gunner maneuvers one hand guns, and rout the enemies using the Skills that absorbs surrounding magic power to shoot out as powerful bullets.
    The shooting Skills are capable of striking short to long range.
    You can change to "Phantom Gunner" from "Revenger".

    [Skills of Phantom Gunner]

    Skill Name: Blitz Impulse - Quickly approaches the enemy in front and shoots through its vitals.

    Skill Name: Growl Bullet - Shoots out bullet holding grudge of the dead.

     Skill Name: Victim Rain - Realizes countless guns and sprinkles evil bullet forward.

    Skill Name: Death Roar - Opens the gate of Netherworld and callus out cry of sorrow.

    [Item Recycle Limited Avatars]Addition of Item Recycle feature
    The new handy system "Item Recycle" that is available in the Base has been added.
    Your items can be changed to Recycle Points (RP) from the Item Recycle NPCs in each base, and those points can be exchanged to various items.
    This time, only Avatars are available but other items are planned to be added in the future.

    Here are the examples of item in the lineup!
    [Limited Time]

    -Icy & Snowy Avatar Box: 30,000 RP
    -Year's Animal Avatar Box: 30,000 RP
    - Diablo Avatar Box: 30,000 RP

    The exchange period has ended on 3/9/2017 5:00 (GMT).

    [Regular Lineup]
    - Avatar Box: 500 RP
    -Refine Pilot Light: 2,500 RP
    -Gangue Piece: 10,000 RP
    -Rift BOX R: 50,000 RP
    -Rift Stone 100 R: 250,000 RP
    -Slot Release 100 R: 300,000 RP

    [Item Recycle Limited Avatars]

    -Metal Armor (7 Colors): 75,000 RP

    -Hider Cape (7 Colors): 75,000 RP

    -Skinny Voile (7 Colors): 75,000 RP

    *The items exchanged to Points will disappear. Please be careful as we cannot return them once exchanged.
    *Some items cannot be exchanged to Points.
    Exchange rate depends on the item.
    *Please note that the exchangeable Point amount or exchange rate may be changed due to sales or events without prior notice.

    Improvement of dropped Arms in Sword Floor and Armor FloorHigher level/rank Arms can now be obtained in the Challenge Dungeons "Sword Floor" and "Armor Floor".

    In the "Floor 4" difficulty, the items below will drop.
    Small Rune BOX: One of 1 to 3 Stars Rune Weapon Box or Rune Armor Box is inside.
    Small Astra BOX: One of 1 to 3 Stars Astra Weapon Box or Astra Armor Box is inside.

    In the "Floor RE" difficulty, the items below will drop in addition to the items mentioned above.
    Middle Rune BOX: One of 1 to 5 Stars Rune Weapon Box or Rune Armor Box is inside.
    Middle Astra BOX: One of 1 to 5 Stars Astra Weapon Box or Astra Armor Box is inside.

    Also, the upper adjustment has been applied to the drop rate so there is more chance of high-rank weapon/armor dropping overall.

    Details of Beginner guide improvementFor more comfortable gameplay, the contents for beginners have been improved.

    -Addition of face/hairstyle available when creating character
    --There will be 10 patters of the face.
    --There will be 10 patterns of the hairstyle.
    --The fee to change to face/hairstyle that is available when creating character will be changed to 0 Golds.

    *You can change to the added face/hairstyle at the Hairdresser.

    -Change of Quest to learn the Skill "Dash".
    --The Quest can be accepted from the NPC "Andy" in the 2nd floor of the Main Tower.

    *There is no influence to the character that has already learned "Dash".

    -Change to the Release Quests
    --The names of the Release Quest have been changed.
    --You can advance up to the 6th floor without clearing the Release Quest.
    --Release Quests can only be accepted/reported to the "Quest Manager" in that floor.

    *Only the Quests for 1st and 2nd Floor can be accepted and progressed from NPC "Faine".
    [2/24 09:00Edit]
    *For 2nd to 6th floor, the transfer to each floor from the Base will be available by clearing the Release Quests.
    *For 2nd to 6th floor, the transfer to "the next" floor from the Transferrer in the Base will be available by clearing the Release Quests.

    -Change of Achievements Rewards
    --"Crimson Dress", the reward of "Complete Tutorial 1" will be changed to be acquired from the Quest added in the 2nd floor.

    -Addition of new Quests in the 1st to 6th floor of the Main Tower, and adjustment to the placement of field monsters.
    -Adjustment to Guideline and Mission
    -Addition of Quest in the Tutorial Map
    -Change of NPC to accept emergency Quests from, to "Faine".
    -Addition of Facility Guide Quests to NPC "Faine".

    Also, the Acquired Exp in the rewards of Achievements below will be removed and that Exp will be added in the Release Quest of that floor.
    "Dew of bud"
    "Eden of swamp"
    "Mystic snow"
    "Blue stone"
    "Sand of heat haze"
    "Evening beach shoal"
    "Scenery from the mountains"
    "Moon Cherry Blossoms"
    "Primitive Rock"
    "Fallen Castle"
    "Tree of Life"
    "Toy Kingdom"

    *The character who has already cleared these will not be affected.

    We kindly request for continued support for "AVABEL ONLINE" that has powered up in the major update!
    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team