เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    Notice of Application Version Update

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    The version of the application has been updated on 4/25/2017.
    Please download the latest version of the application.
    ---Update Details

    [Added Features and Changes]
    -Addition of EX Skills of the 4th Advanced Classes.
    -Addition of "Executioner", the 6th Advanced Class of Revenger.

    -Release of Star rank cap for each Arm.
    --Normal Arms: 15 Stars, Rune Arms: 13 Stars, Astra Weapon: 11 Stars.

    -Upper adjustments for each Arms.
    --E.g.: Normal Arm 14 Stars = Rune Arm 12 Stars = Astra Arms 10 Stars.
    --ATK and MATK for Weapons, and DEF and MDEF for Armors will be raised in a pattern above.

    -Balance adjustment between Weapon types.
    --Those with low attack power will be raised to take balance.

    -Decrease of Star rank when proceeding Expert Evolve has been eased to -2 Stars compared to the original, being decreased in half.
    --In accordance with this, now the Expert Evolve of 7 and 9 Stars Arms are available.

    -Addition of Expert Evolve for Rune and Astra Arms.
    --Decrease of Star rank when proceeding Expert Evolve will be -2 Stars for Rune Arms and -4 Stars of Astra Arms.

    -Improvement of Arm enhancement.
    --The enhance Exp for Arms excluding ORBs will be doubled.
    --Enhance fee will be decreased.
    --Enhance of Arms not being equipped will be available.

    -Improvement of Skill Boost feature.
    --The effect of Skill Boost will be applied to all Skills that the Skill Boost is effective for.
    --The effective time can be set to "15 mins" or "30 mins" by consuming sizable Jexp.

    -Addition of Light Element and Dark Element monsters in the Element Dungeon.
    --"Anti-Light ORB" and "Anti-Dark ORB" can be produced by using the item obtained from Element monsters as materials.

    -Improvement of Crysta Case.
    --By enhancing the Arm to store, the rate of ORB's status reflected will be raised.

    -Improvement of Element Case.
    --By attaching produced ORB to the Astra Arm to store, the applying element resistance will be raised.
    --By enhancing the Astra Arm to store, the element resistance of attached ORB will be raised.
    --The element resistance will not be raised if the element of attached ORB and the element of the Arm does not match.
    *The element resistance of the Astra Arm itself will be reflected.

    -Upper adjustment to the Arms dropped in the "Sword Floor" and the "Armor Floor".
    --Up to equip limit Lv100 and 7 Stars will drop in high difficulty.

    -Improvement of Portrait Mode feature.
    --Screen will be adjusted and will have Shortcut key added.
    *Usage of items, Skill Boost, and Creator's Skill "Item Production" are not available.

    -Change of ZENITH CLASH from "Aqualord" to "Snow".
    --In accordance with this, the lineup in the ZENITH Reward Exchange NPC will be changed.
    --The calculation of the Ranking will be based on "Aqualord" until changed to "Snow", and until 4/29/2017 for "Snow". Rewards for both will be distributed on the 30th.

    -Change of the term of Chat Channel and filter.
    Whis > Friend

    -Addition of "Enhance Stone" item.
    --More enhance Exp then Moonite can be earned by using for enhance Arms.

    -Display of Quest Reward in the Quest description text.
    *Will not be displayed in some Quests such as the Event Quests.

    -Improvement in the start of the game
    --Adjustment of monster appearing position in 4F to 6F.
    --Change of the timing the "Technical Battle" and "SURVIVAL RUSH" Facility Guide Quest becomes available.
    *Will not be affected if already accepted.

    -Upper adjustment of normal damage (displayed in white).
    -Change for Arm Evolve material to allow usage of Arms in higher rank than the target Arm.
    -Addition of Gold Bank.
    -Addition of feature to decrease required Golds for Rebirth by using Rebirth Crystal.
    -Addition of variation for "ORB Remover": "50R", "60R", "70R", "80R", "90R", and "100R".
    -Upper adjustments for Exp and Jexp obtained in the Main Tower and the Guild Tower.
    -Unification of equip limit Lv50 and lower in the Stall search category.
    -Change of screen display in case of insufficient DP, when attempting to use DP.
    -Addition of game data Batch Download feature.
    -Upper adjustment to the success rate of Arm Evolve.
    -Adjustment of displaying HP and SP value.
    -Change to make the Quest of NPC "Roy" in the "Quest/Dungeon" map acceptable/reportable from the Quest Managers in the 3rd and higher floor.
    -Change to make feeding available for the Pet that is being taken out.
    -Change to allow setting the Skill to Shortcut immediately when acquiring it.
    -Update of Help Book.

    -Other small screen display adjustments.

    We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.


    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team