เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    Notice of Application Version Update

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    The version of the application has been updated on 4/28/2017.
    Please download the latest version of the application.
    ---Update Details

    [Added Features and Changes]
    -Decrease of communication time when selling items or earning Guild Points.

    [Bug Fixes]
    ​-Fix for not being able to open the Shop or News.
    -Fix for the issue of the Element icon for the evolve target Arm when proceeding Expert Evolve of some Astra Arms.
    -Fix for the issue of the contents of Preset 2 overwriting Preset 1 when accessed from [Options] > [Config] > [Chat] > [Edit Preset].
    -Fix for the issue of unintended NPC being displayed.
    -Fix for the issue of the UI not being displayed on the game screen when entering chat text.

    We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.


    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team