The version of the application has been updated on 5/18/2017.
Please download the latest version of the application.
---Update Details
[Added Features and Changes] -Addition of EX Skills of the 5th Advanced Classes.
-Addition of "Puppet Master", the 7th Advanced Class of Revenger.
-Improvement of the Parallel Dungeon.
--Balance will be adjusted for more comfortable play.
--Rewards that can be acquired in the Random Dungeon will be added, and more rewards will be available compared to before. *In accordance with this, the Random Dungeon will be removed. Regarding the adjustments
-Improvement of the Party system.
--When the party has full member of 6 players, the acquired Exp, Jexp and drop rate will be raised for all members.
--If the character in the party has raised Exp, etc. from the effects of items or Monthly Course, 5% of the effect is applied to the other party members.
--In accordance with this, the Area Party feature will be removed.
-Increase of the initial capacity and maximum capacity of Bag/Weight.
--The bag's initial Slots will be raised from 40 to 80, and the weight will be raised from 1000 to 2000.
--The bag's maximum Slots will be raised from 270 to 400, and the weight will be raised from 15000 to 20000.
*40 Slots and 1000 weight capacity will be automatically added to the existing characters after the update.
-Addition of menu type "Modern".
--Can be changed from [MENU] > [Options].
-Removal of the level limit for the Rebirth Quest "Proving Strength".
--Character on Lv90 or lower can join if the Rebirth Chamber has been released and has been reborn same or more times. *There is no change to the required Lv of 90 for Rebirth.
-Addition of limit by the Rebirth times to the PvP room creation setting (excludes Official PvP).
-Addition of new Quests for the Main Tower from 7F to 12F.
-Upper adjustment to the reward of weekly Search Quest.
-Change of the system to allow exchanging Avatars in the Avatar Closet for Recycle Points.
-Addition of help to each item in the Main Menu.
-Update of Help Book.
-Addition of character restoration feature by item consumption.
-Change of the Bonus Effect display, to show the total value.
-Increase of HP for "Door", "Guardian", and "Core" in the Tower Scramble.
-Addition of Class change complete message when releasing Advanced Classes.
[Edit 5/18/2017 09:00] -Change of default setting for the option "Hide valuable items". *It has been changed to have the function enabled at default setting. By disabling the option, the valuable items will be displayed for selling, for usage as materials, etc.
[Bug Fixes] -Fix for the issue of failing Awake depending on the combination of materials.
-Fix for the issue of the animation of the chest opening not being displayed for the reward of Challenge Dungeon, User Raid, etc.
-Fix for the issue of the screen display corrupting by certain controls.
-Fix for the issue of chat text not being displayed properly in the chat log.
-Fix for the issue of owned GP not being displayed properly at Guild Guardian.
-Fix for the issue of the item order being changed when taking out item from the Storage.
-Fix for the issue of the match result not being displayed when the opponent exits the match at the same time the match starts in the League Mode. *The result is fixed at the point the opponent exits, so the points are calculated properly.
-Other small bug fixes.
We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.