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    Merciless puppeteer! New Advanced Class "Puppet Master" released!! Details of the Version Update

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Update has been applied on 5/18/2017.

    Addition of "Puppet Master", the 7th Advanced Class of "Revenger" and "EX Skill" for the 5th Advanced Classes, improvement of the Party feature, etc. have been applied!
    Please check the details blow!
    The 7th Advanced Class of "Revenger" released"Puppet Master" the 7th Advanced Class of "Revenger" is newly added!
    They blow life into marionettes and confuses opponents with tricky Skills.
    You can change to "Puppet Master" from "Revenger".

    [Puppet Master's Skills]

    Skill Name: Death Cling - Generates explosive marionette and throws it towards the opponent.

    Skill Name: Death Trap - Generates explosive marionette and throws it towards the opponent. Swaps places with the doll at explosion.

    Skill Name: Lethal Dolls - Marionettes filled with insanity dances mad. Shreds up those who touch.

    Addition of "EX Skills" for the 5th Advanced Classes"EX Skill" that grants further power has been added.

    This Skill can be used by equipping certain "Skill Ring" which can be acquired from the Quest that can be accepted by mastering each Advanced Class.

    Three points below must be fulfilled to accept the Quest.
    "Currently in the Class that match the Ring", "Achieved Job Master of the Class that match the Ring", "Has done Rebirth for the Class that match the Ring".

    Fulfill all requirements and accept the Quest from the NPC "Skill Master Perseus" to get the Ring!

    [EX Skills of 5th Advanced Classes]

    Left:Lance of GaleStinger)  Right:Evil FeatherRaven

    Left:Icicle RainElfeen)  Right:End of EarthBattle Cracker

    Left:Hades JudgmentDark Pain)  Right:Planet BlowLeg Sol

    Left:Wonder ColorPainter)  Right:Hell FlameInferno

    EX Skill Rings of the 4th Advanced Classes made evolvableEX Skill Ring can be evolved by using Crescent Ring as material.
    Crescent Ring can be acquired in "ZENITH CLASH" or exchanging "Event Coin"

    Addition of Party Play BonusBy forming a Party and fulfilling the condition, you will bet bonus Exp, etc.

    Full Party Bonus
    If there is 6 online members in the Party, and if all members are in the same map in the same channel,
    acquired Exp, Jexp, and Item Drop Rate will be raised by 20% for all members.

    Party Member Buff Bonus
    When a Party of 2 or more members is formed, the acquired Exp, Jexp, Item Drop Rate up buff effects from "Monthly Course" and "Book Item" can be shared to the other members.
    The shared rate is 5% of the total raising effect of "Monthly Course" and "Book Item".

    E.g. 1: If the Acquired Exp is increased by the total of 1000%, the "Acquired Exp increase by 50%" will be shared among the other members.
    E.g. 2: If the total Party Member is 5 including yourself, and if all members have the Acquired Exp increased by 1000% effect, you will receive "Acquired Exp increased by 50%" effect from other 4 members, totaling to  "Acquired Exp increased by  200%" effect.

    Increase of initial and maximum capacity of Bag Slot and WeightThe initial and maximum capacity of Bag Slot and Weight have been increased for even more comfortable play.

    Initial Value
    Bag Slot: 40 > 80
    Weight: 1000 > 2000

    Maximum Value
    Bag Slot: 270 > 400
    Weigh: 15000 > 20000

    *For the existing characters, 40 Bag Slots and 1000 Weight will be added automatically after the update.

    Addition of Menu type "Modern"Change of UI such as virtual pad, icon, etc. and size adjustment or minimization of Chat Window are now available.

    Change is applied by logging in again after switching to "Modern" from
    [MENU] > [Options] > [Config] > [Graphic] > Menu Type.

    The conventional menu will be summarized on the bottom of the screen with the addition of icons such as switching channel,
    and from the blue triangle symbol on the bottom left of the Chat Window, the window size can be changed with a slide, and the window can be minimized by a tap.

    Also, you can switch back to the previous UI by logging in again after changing to "Classic" from
    [Options] > [Config] > [Graphic] > Menu Type.

    New Quests added in the Main Tower 7F to 12FNew Quests have been added in the Main Tower, 7F to 12F.

    They can be accepted from the NPCs in each floor.
    Even an extraordinary Quest that can't be experienced in the normal Release Quest...?

    Friend or foe?! Glazeman arrives in the Snowland Area!!

    Please continue to enjoy "AVABEL ONLINE" vastly improved by the major update!
    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team