เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    Notice of Application Version Update

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    The version of the application has been updated on 5/26/2017.
    Please download the latest version of the application.
    ---Update Details

    [Added Features and Changes]
    -Improvement of the menu type "Modern".
    --Improved the display of Level, HP, and SP.
    --Chat made available when the character has fallen.

    [Bug Fixes]
    -Fix for the issue of the button to go back to the Base being displayed on the 2nd map of the tutorial sequence.
    Fix for the issue of the percentage indication in the loading screen going back when moving to another map.
    -Fix for the issue of not being able to view the profile screen by certain controls.
    -Fix for the issue of the button to show Help being displayed where it is unnecessary.
    -Fix for he issue of being able to tap the button to show Help and another button at the same time, in some menu screens.

    -Fix for the issue of the proper value not being displayed when selecting and delivering stackable item separated into two or more times to acquire Guild Points.
    --The difference in the value was caused by the item selected on the second or later times were not delivered.

    *The items that were not delivered will return to the bag without being consumed.

    -Fix for the issue of the item drawn out of the Storage remaining shown in the Storage when drawn out with the category set to "Sort.
    -The issue is regarding the display, and the item is drawn out properly.

    *By tapping the item that should have been drawn out, an empty dialog will be displayed, but the issue will be resolved by selecting "OK".

    -Fix for the issue of the effect of the Guild Style "Peddler" not being reflected to the shown price when selling items.
    *The issue is regarding the shown price.
    *The Golds you get after selling has the effect of the Guild Style "Peddler" reflected properly.

    We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.


    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team