Scythe of the Death that cuts off everything! New Advanced Class "Grim Reaper" released!! Details of the Version Update
Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.
Update has been applied on 6/20/2017.
Addition of "Grim Reaper", the 8th Advanced Class of "Revenger". "EX Skill" for the 6th Advanced Classes, and the Event Board feature, etc. have been applied! Please check the details blow!
"Grim Reaper", the 8th Advanced Class of "Revenger" released"Grim Reaper", the 8th Advanced Class of "Revenger" has been newly released!
It is capable of various battle styles in the mid to close range, such as transforming the weapon into a scythe and throwing it, or swinging it around to mow the surroundings. "Grim Reaper" can be changed from "Revenger".
[Grim Reaper Skills] Skill Name: Crime Scythe - Swings and throws the scythe of sin.
Skill Name: Sickle Slash - Pulls out rapid sickle and releases thrusting slash.
Skill Name: Destroy - Pulls out the scythe and slashes forward. Up to 3 consecutive attacks with additional taps. Addition of "EX Skills" for the 6th Advanced Classes"EX Skill" that grants further power has been added.
This Skill can be used by equipping certain "Skill Ring" which can be acquired from the Quest that can be accepted by mastering each Advanced Class.
Three points below must be fulfilled to accept the Quest.
"Currently in the Class that match the Ring", "Achieved Job Master of the Class that match the Ring", "Has done Rebirth for the Class that match the Ring".
Fulfill all requirements and accept the Quest from the NPC "Skill Master Perseus" to get the Ring!
Left: Deesse De La Mer (Undine) Right: Eradication (Executioner) EX Skill Rings of the 5th Advanced Classes made evolvableEX Skill Ring can be evolved by using Crescent Ring as material.
Crescent Ring can be acquired in "ZENITH CLASH" or exchanging "Event Coin" "Event Board" added in each Base and the Event Square"Event Board" where the event News can be viewed only by tapping has been added in the Base and the Event Square
Viewing of the News from the game was available previously, but the "Event Board" allows you to view the news categorized to events by just tapping it.
Check the information such as the event period and available rewards here! Improvement of the "Class Change NPC"The character in the target Class will be displayed, and some of the Skills can be previewed.
You can now see the actual motion and appearance of some of the Skills for the target Class.
You can change your Class as many time as you want until Lv30, so use this as the information to decide your Class.
Also, in accordance with this improvement, the required Skills for acquiring and Skill Lv limit are eased for some of the Skills. Please continue to enjoy "AVABEL ONLINE" vastly improved by the major update! AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team