เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    [7/26 9:40 Edit]Notice of Application Version Update
    [7/26 9:40 Edit]
    From improvement for My Room, we have distributed the bonus item which accordance for housing level to the user who has Housing level 2 or above on 7/26/2017.

    *There were many of target users, so we have sent to Shop Box instead of sent by GM mail.
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    The version of the application has been updated on 7/26/2017.
    Please download the latest version of the application.
    ---Update Details

    [Added Features and Changes]
    -Addition of EX Skills of the 7th Advanced Classes.
    -Addition of Evolve up to rank 3 for the EX Skill Rings of 6th Advanced Classes.

    -Added new content "Defense Line".
    -Added the Advent Dungeon that max up to 50 guild members are able to join.
    -Added Category "Guild" to Course of Technical Battle.

    -Asobimo Account added
    -Added the item for gender change 
    -Adjust the sills for Advanced Classes.

    -Improvement to the My Room.
    --Add the furniture which can be create by Gold only.
    --Adjustment on time for creation and costs.
    --Change the maximum item stack limit of materials for furniture creation to "250".

    *At this times improvement, bonus item will be gifted to player who has My Room's Housing Level 2 or above.
    *Detail about gift item will be announced from GM mail in order to the player who fulfills the condition.

    -Added Rebirth Monster's ORB
    --Drops by defeating an Rebirth Monster in a rate of small chances.

    *Rebirth monster's ORB is "non-tradable items".

    -Added News icon
    -This News icon will be shown at the time of sales for event relating items or sales for beginners.
    --Due to above, the menu arrangement of the menu type "Classic" will be partially changed.

    *Only display at non battle area.

    -Added Rescue Board
    --"Call for Rescue" button will be appeared in certain quest after entering a quest map, and ongoing quest will be shown on Rescue Board by tapping this "Call for Rescue" button.
    ---Other players will be able to join this displayed quest on Rescue Board.

    *If player start the quest before tapping a "Call for Rescue", players can not call a rescue.

    -Added bonus to the Monthly Ticket function.
    --Fees for Gold Bank will be "0G" by purchasing an all types of Monthly Tickets.
    --Capacity for Bag increases "50" by purchasing an all types of Monthly Tickets.

    -Added the login bonus icon.
    --It will be able to check the received login bonus by Tapping it.

    *Even if player did not confirm, the login bonus will be successfully received.

    -Added the item which can disassemble the Expand types of item.
    --E.g. Disassemble the "Crysta Case Expansion Book 30 R" to "Crysta Case Expansion Book 10 R" x3. Finally it is able to disassemble it to 1 R.

    -Improve the NPC of Class Change.
    --Added the design of each classes to the selecting button.

    -Added the button which can be able to enter the other player's My Room from the player's profile.
    --Player can set allowance to enter etc. from My Room.

    -Change for the ORB system
    See here for details.

    -Change the description for some ORBs.
    --Explained in "in certain rate" so far but will be changed to actual number of rate.

    *This change will made to description only.

    -Changed to be able to use the "Quest Guide" at "Proving Strength".

    -Added the restriction limit for rebirth times at party recruitment.
    -Made change as, arms within the "Crysta Case" and "Element Case" become able to enhance or evolve.
    -Change the character's appearance when creating a character.
    -Adjust the timings for level up effect.
    -Change to showing the effect for the arms which already has effect of Shining Stone at the time of selecting the arms to use a Shining Stone. 
    -Changed the error message when player is already joining the party,  when player is invited by another party or when player try to join.
    -Changed to confirming the available furniture creation when player attend the furniture creation at Guild Room.
    -Changed to not allowing the character within the same account to join the "Challenge Dungeon" and "Item Dungeon".
    -When searching items by bag etc., the button for executing keyword search will be changed from "Close" to "Reflect".
    -Changed to check available a detail information of received/ongoing quest and information of NPC who ordered the quest to the another quest NPCs.
    -Changed to display a Pet's status when player take out the pet to walk.
    -Improve the tutorial.
    -Discontinued the mission reception NPC at "Quest/Dungeon Reception" and "Mission".
    -Delete the displaying a "Loading".
    -Eased the difficulty of Furniture Dungeon.
    -Renewed the Help Book.

    [Bug Fixes]
    -Fix for the issue of not being able to bring a selected item(s) from storage in the WvW.
    -Fix for the issue of flag did not displayed at conquered defense zone.   
    -Fix for the issue of changed hair color did not applying properly in WvW when visiting base such as Revere before to rejoining the WvW.
    -Fix for the issue of displaying an enemy player as white point in minimap. Originally it should be shown in red point on mini map.
    -Fix for the issue of displaying an unnecessary icons are displayed at the time of opening a PvP that cannot be watched.
    -Fix for the issue of being able to tap a Menu at certain field which were originally unable to tap with Menu Type "Modern".
    -Fix for the issue of being unable to use a "Close" button when received a furniture from Shop Box. 
    -Fix for the issue that some NPC will not displayed at certain condition.
    -Fix for the issue of not being displayed properly sometimes when previewed the some of ceilings at My Room.
    -Fix for the issue of after launching the application, if the terminal is in a sleep state etc. and is away from the game, the problem that the time in the game is still same as time at sleep.
    -Fix for the issue of not displaying the monster's HP at correct place when changing the Menu Type "Modern" to "Classic".
    -Fix for the issue of that the displayed content of the progress was excessively scrolled under the specific conditions.
    -Fix for the issue of proceeding to confirmation of register screen when selecting the "Cancel" after the "Analyze" in a condition of first time registration with a certain amount of rare items to Collect Book. 
    -Fix for the issue of being that HP bar is overlaps the furnitures preview when attempting to sale the furniture at Guild Room.
    -Fix for the issue of not correctly displaying the numerical values of the progress display when Collect Quest is registered in the quest progress display and the collected items are move into the storage.
    -Fix for the issue of being that the name of NPC is displayed before the player's name.
    -Fix for the issue of not being able to operate by displaying a black screen when connection fail screen shows. 
    Especially at the condition of player has been leave this status(communication disconnection) for a while, then tried to reconnect.
    -Fix for the issue of that the icon stays displayed even if player set the return to base icon to non-display.
    -Fix for the issue of being lock icon is not displayed in right place to registration button of PvP, GvG with password.
    -Fix for the issue of displaying a blank page when user attempt the Get All at the last page of Shop Box.
    -Fix for the issue of not reflecting an increases of MEN effect for "Grawly ORB" and "Cobett Core ORB".

    -Fix for the issue of increase of MATK did not reflect properly to following Skill Rings.
    Tengu Bird Ring 1
    Tengu Bird Ring 2
    Tengu Bird Ring 3
    Tengu Bird Ring 4
    Tengu Bird Ring 5
    Open Sparrow Ring 1
    Open Sparrow Ring 2
    Open Sparrow Ring 3
    Open Sparrow Ring 4
    Open Sparrow Ring 5 

    We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.


    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team