The following items will be on discount sale starting from Monday, March 28th 2014!
[Discount item] - Bag Expand Book 10: Adds 10 bag cap permanently for the character used\nCan add 230 at max -- 12 Gems -> 10 Gems
- Weight Expansion : Adds 500 more to the max weight for the character used\nUp to 7000 at max. -- 6 Gems -> 5 Gems
- Verdure Book : Raise 50% of Drop Rates for 3 hours -- 8 Gems -> 4 Gems
- Indigo Book : Raise 50% of gained JEXP for 3 hours. -- 8 Gems -> 4 Gems
- Travelers Set : Set with "Bag Expand Book 10" and "Weight Expansion"Can obtain when used. -- 12 Gems
- Value Value Box : Value Box with both the "Concentration Set", ("Support Book 70", "Indigo Book", and "Venture Book") "DP Water", and "Miracle Water" inside.Can obtain when used. -- 5 Gems
This will only be available for a limited time so do not miss this chance!