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    Offer of "Fertility Witch Garden" & "Room of sharp crystal/Room of stiff crystal release offer" holding at the same time
    [Edit 10/13/2017 11:45(GMT)]
    There was misdescription on end date of event "Fertility Witch Garden".
    Therefore, we made a fix as following.

    2017/10/18 11:59 [GMT]

    After the fix:
    2017/10/18 4:59 [GMT]

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    From after the maintenance on October 11th 2017, "Fertility Witch Garden" & "Room of sharp crystal/Room of stiff crystal release offer" will be held at same time!

    Campaign DatesFrom 10/11/2017 to 10/18/2017 04:59 (GMT)
    The Event Field is "Fertility Witch Garden"
    Become available to enter an event limited map "Fertility Witch Garden" by talking to Halloween event guide "Kabo" at event square.
    Witch's cabin in the rye field

    The cabin in the rye field which was built silently by witch  will appear on map! 
    The Autumn limited map that image a Halloween!


    Fertility Witch Garden
    Event Limited GET the "Halloween Avatar"
    As you advance the event, event quests will be appear that you can obtain limited avatars "Scarecrow Straw Hat" and "Witch Broom".

    Offer of releasing constantly the Room of sharp crystal/Room of stiff crystal within a limited terms
     Room of sharp/stiff crystal released every day!
    Get the "Sharp Crystal" and "Hard Crystal" used for changing to Advanced Classes and evolving Arms, necessities to build your characters!
    "Tue Only: Room of sharp crystal" and
    "Thu Only: Room of stiff crystal"
    are released every day during the offer period!

    Accept from Dungeon Guide NPC > "Item Dungeon"!
    Dungeon Guide NPCs are in the "Quest/Dungeon" map or the "Event Square"!

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team