เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    11/21 Details for update

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    We made an update on 11/21/2017.
    Also, application has been renewed as well so please try to download/install the latest version of application.

    For the followings, the content which has (!!) will be applied to latest version of application. 
    [Update Contents List]
    -When using the DP recovery item, change the specification to exceed the upper limit of 100 to recover.(!!)
    *When user used the recovery item and amount of points exceeded the limit of 100, can not be able to use the DP recovery item additionally.
    -At the Config screen, Added the function that can be settle the Render type in detail. 
    *Select the Render type "Customize" and then be able to have detail settings.

    -Portal and transfer from Revere to Astoria/Nocturall will be released after completing the quest "9F Solain Release quest: Solain Snowsand".
    -Description for Pet becomes more detail. 
    -Change the strings for dialog which displays at the time of lack the GP points when the user perform the Guild Style.

    [Bug Fixes]
    -Fix for issue of being that "Number of Shortcut Pages" within the "Bonus Effect" is displaying as +3 when the users purchased the all Monthly Subscriptions(Monthly Tickets).(!!)
    *This is correction on display at the after the purchase, and there are no changes on description on purchase page and actual bonus increases.
    -Fix for issue of being that "!" mark(which is notation of full of bag) is continuously displayed, when the Menu type "Classic" was used.(!!)
    -Fix the bug of that quest progress did not renewed when the user fulfill the quest achieve condition on some quests.(!!)
    -Fix for the issue of being that occasionally becomes to inoperable the game while communicating when the users open the storage.(!!)
    -Fix the for the issue of being that character disappears when some skills were used.(!!)
    -Fix for issue of being that some of My Room's UI did not showing properly under the certain condition.(!!)
    -Fix for issue of being that some of items description did not display the correct one.
    *Only the correction on notation, and the effect itself will be not changed."

    We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team