1.Obtain several amount of event item
"Heart of Revere" by defeating the monsters on Main Tower.
2.Talk to NPC
"Faine?" at Revere, and move to event map
"Revere of Disaster".

3.Give the x10
"Heart of Revere"s which acquired from Main Tower to NPC
"Participation Ticket Exchanger Ryan (Left)" at event map. Then get the event participation item "Fellow Feeling".
After you acquire the
"Fellow Feeling", participate the Revere Defense Line from NPC
"Defense Line Reception Bardis (Right)".
*Please note that if the "Fellow Feeling" is placed in Bag or storage at 1st page 1st line, it may state as not owning this item.
If you faced in above situation, please try to move the item from bag to storage or vice versa.

4. Handed the
"DL Revere Medal" which acquire from Defense Line to NPC
"DL Revere Medal Pack Manager Gayn (Left)".
Also, handed the "Bonds of Revere" to NPC
"Bonds Exchanger Lia (Right)" and exchange it to
event limited accessories.

*Registering to Asobimo account will be required for use of "DL Revere Medal Pack Manager Gayn" and "Bonds Exchanger Lia".
If it unregistered, screen will move to account creation screen. To keep the data safe, please register to the Asobimo account.
◆There are 3 types of event accessories
x4 times available to enhance the back accessory "Emblem of Bonds WIN" by collecting the Defense Line rewards.
Bigger the size and more flashy effect by enhancing.
It can perform from NPC "Bonds Exchanger Lia"
"Emblem of Bonds WIN"
"Emblem of Bonds RA" "Emblem of Bonds LA"
During the event period, x3 "Fellow Feeling" which is necessary for participation in the "Defense Line Revere" will be able to acquire by 1 time limited achievement reward of 1 min play.
Complete the "Defense Line Revere" 2 times and get the new avatar "Emblem of Bonds WIN" ASAP!
*Defense Line is able to join by consuming the rights to join.
*3 times of rights to join recovers at 04:00 every day, and it is also able to recover 3 times of rights to join by use of "DL Rights to Join Recovery R".
*During the event period, "DL Rights to Join Recovery R" is only usable 10 times per a day.