เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    3/1 Details for update
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    We made an update on 3/1/2018.
    Also, application has been renewed as well so please try to download/install the latest version of application.

    *It will take time to update the app version.

    Details after the renewing the app version*Details regarding the newest app
    [Update Details]
    - Changes in showing details of sender's character details from received mails.
    - Weapon avator can be armed regardless of different types of weapons.
    For those you use "Two hand sword""Two hand spear""Two hand gun" or "Rod" for your avator, you can not arm different weapons on the left.
    - Changes made to show the ranking according to battle ability from own character's profile page.
    - "Recommended Armor" button included for automatically choosing armors and weapons with higher battle ability with already possessing weapons and armors.
    - "Guild Battle Ability" included from Guild page and Guild Board's detail page.
    "Guild Battle Ability" will be show the total "Guild Battle Ability."

    *The fighting power ranking, and guild fight ranking will be updated on regular basis.

    [Bug Fixes]
    - Adjustment of bug overlapping icon to show the abnormal skill with Boss monster's HP bar.
    - Adjustment of misleading price indication with Guild style "Merchant's" effect, and as effect triggers.
    - Adjustments to "Collect Book" button being shown from the black list page from the player search on profile.
    - Adjustment to defect of not showing the armors at the bottom of the Item Enhancement list as they enhance weapons on the screen.
    - Adjustment for defect of showing the avator screen while League PvP battle.
    - Adjustment for defect of player's achievement screen as opening friends' profile page.
    - Adjustment for defect of not showing the EXP properly as the player try to enhance the awakened weapon.
    - Adjustment with the bug of scroll bar not responding to screen.
    - Adjustment with the defect of continuously showing the consumed item after "feeding" pet while walking.
    - Adjustment with the defect of not showing quest progress properfly under specific condition.
    - Other small adjustments.

    [Other changes]
    - Remove the "image" button from the Collect Book screen.
    - Removing the "Attachment" button from the Mail screen.
    - Change to allow cancel for quests that wasn't allowed for cancellation like "Emergency Quest."
     ∟Although the quest is incomplete, the player will allowed to accept the cancelled quest again.

    We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team