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    White Day Event "Prankster Prince's Favor" opening from March 7th
    ​Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    The Servants are having more than a handful from Prankster Prince in Cohard Castle today, again. And it seems like Prankster Prince also has something in favor to these Adventurers…

    We will be holding White Day Event after the maintenance on March 7, 2018, titled, "Prankster Prince's Favor"!

     - Event Period
     - How to Join
     - Rewards
     - The Event support item will be on sale!​

    Event Period
    From 3/7/2018 after the maintenance - until 3/21/2018 04:59 (GMT)
    ※Deadline for Event reward exchange will be until March 28, 2018 (Wed) 13:59. 
    This will only be "Exchange for Reward" and not for challenges towards the dungeons.

    How to Join
    1.Talk with NPC "Soldiers of Castle Cohard" at Event Square and head to Cohard Castle!

    2.Talk with NPC "Prankster Prince Cohard" in Cohard Castle and hear his favor to progress through quests.
    Quest map will be shown near NPC "Servant Claire."

    3.As you progress through the quests, there will more Defense Lines. Complete the quests to obtain items!

    Talking with Prankster Prince's favors and completing each Defence Lines will lead you to obtain material items for producing rewards.
    Each material items will be exchanged through NPC "Reward Exchanger at the Defense Line" and NPC"Rescue Mission Reward Exchanger" and get exclusive Event-limited Avator♪

    Heart Balloon Heads

    Heart Crystal

    "Heart Balloon Heads" will be now available with various color line-ups!
    And there will be a surprise as you bring your "Heart Crystal" to NPC "Rescue Mission Reward Exchanger" to polish and see for yourself how it changes!

    The Event support item will be on sale!Get your event-limited avator "Balloon Head" efficiently produced with"Certificate for Love of Cohard Castle!"There will be category [Certificate] in NPC "Reward Exchanger at Defense Line's" recipe during  this event.
    [Certificate] can allow you to produce with less required material items or choose your favorite colors when you create Heart Balloon. 

    [Item on Sale]
    Certificate for Love of Cohard Castle

    3 Gems

    [Sales category]

    [Sales Period]
    From 3/7/2018 after the maintenance - until 3/21/2018 04:59 (GMT)

    *The event limited effect is available by equipping.
    *Event limited effect will not overlap even though you equip two of them.
    *The event limited effect will be lost at the end of the event.​

    "Special pack with Prankster Prince's favors at Defense Line" includes [Certificate for Love of Cohard Castle] and material items!Special package with"Certificate for Love of Cohard Castle" and material items needed for production for NPC "Reward Exchanger at Defense Line" will be up for sale!

    [Item on Sale]
    Special pack with Prankster Prince's favors at Defense Line

    [Pack Contents]
    - Certificate for Love of Cohard Castle
    - Medal for Cohard Castle's Defence x40

    6 Gems

    [Sales category]

    [Sales Period]
    From 3/7/2018 after the maintenance - until 3/21/2018 04:59 (GMT)

    *The event limited effect is available by equipping.
    *Event limited effect will not overlap even though you equip two of them.
    *The event limited effect will be lost at the end of the event.​

    Use "Rebellious Signal Fire" at Event's Challenge Dungeon's Boss Monster for massive attack!When you arm "Rebellious Signal Fire", it will be easier to damage the boss monsters that will appear in event's challenge dungeon with massive attack!
    On top of that, there will be a category [Rebellious Signal Fire] added to NPC "Rescue Mission Reward Exchanger's" production recipe, to make it for you!

    [Item on Sale]
    Rebellious Signal Fire

    3 Gems

    [Sales category]

    [Sales Period]
    From 3/7/2018 after the maintenance - until 3/21/2018 04:59 (GMT)

    *The event limited effect is available by equipping.
    *"Rebellious Signal Fire" massive attack's damage effect will be overlapped if it is armed more than 2. For other events, the Event-limited effects will not be overlapped even  it's armed more than 2.
    *The event limited effect will be lost at the end of the event.​

    "Special package of Prankster Prince's Favor Challenge Dungeon" including [Rebellious Signal Fire] and material items!Special package for NPC"Rescue Mission Exchanger" to produce efficiently with material items and "Rebellious Signal Fire" will be up for sale!

    [Item on Sale]
    Special package of Prankster Prince's Favor Challenge Dungeon

    [Pack Contents]
    - Rebellious Signal Fire
    - Certificate for contributing in rescuing Claire x30

    6 Gems

    [Sales category]

    [Sales Period]
    From 3/7/2018 after the maintenance - until 3/21/2018 04:59 (GMT)

    *The event limited effect is available by equipping.
    "Rebellious Signal Fire" massive attack's damage effect will be overlapped if it is armed more than 2. For other events, the Event-limited effects will not be overlapped even  it's armed more than 2.
    *The event limited effect will be lost at the end of the event.​

    Get a all-in-one package for items only effective at event  and material items included in"Special Package Prankster Prince's Favor"!"Certificate for Love of Cohard Castle" only valid to produce items efficiently during event,
    "Rebellious Signal Fire" massive attack only effective at boss monsters in challenge dungeon,
    and materials items needed for event-limited avator "Medal for Cohard Castle's Defence" and "Certificate for contributing in rescuing Claire" will all be in one-pack for sale!

    [Item on Sale]
    Prankster Prince's Favor Special Package

    [Pack Contents]
    ​- Certificate for Love of Cohard Castle
    - Rebellious Signal Fire
    - Medal for Cohard Castle's Defence x40
    - Certificate for contributing in rescuing Claire x30

    10 Gems

    [Sales category]

    [Sales Period]
    From 3/7/2018 after the maintenance - until 3/21/2018 04:59 (GMT)

    *The event limited effect is available by equipping.
    "Rebellious Signal Fire" massive attack's damage effect will be overlapped if it is armed more than 2. For other events, the Event-limited effects will not be overlapped even  it's armed more than 2.
    *The event limited effect will be lost at the end of the event.​

    Enjoy White Day event with Prince and servants♪

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team