Currently, we have confirmed the issue below. - Issue of some creation recipe names that was displayed differently from the production item of the boss skill ring
-- We are currently investigating. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of forced shut-down when loading the app.
-- We are currently investigating. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of when operation stops while playing the game.
-- We are currently investigating. Bug fix has been completed.
- Issue of character not being added in Friend List although accepted the Friend Request.
-- We are currently investigating. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of increasing effect for skill "Electric Discharge" was less than what it was written.
-- We are currently investigating. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of when specific control is enacted, character not joined in that tower can enter during Tower Scramble.
-- We are currently investigating. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of able to use "[Lim. Time] DP Water" from event Survivor's Week, even after the end of period.
-- We have extended the period until September 26, 2018 (Wed) 4:59. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of "Crecia's Free Pack Ticket" is used even when playing "Crecia's Free Pack" has failed due to under certain condition and haven't won any items. -- We are currently investigating. We are considering for compensation for this malfunction and for players who were not able to use "Crecia's Free Pack." Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of display freezes when playing Crecia's Free Pack. -- We are currently investigating. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunctions where sometime character becomes frostbite when attacking summoned monster. * Skill "Frost Shield" is only effective to activated character. We have fixed at the maintenance on September 5, 2018.
- Malfunction of continuously gaining receiving EXPs when having bonus effect of some receiving EXPs and while you are summoning monsters. We have fixed at the maintenance on August 15, 2018.
- Malfunction of showing some different maps and monsters not appearing at dungeon Water monster Advent Ex+ Adv. -- We are currently investigating. We have fixed at the maintenance on August 15, 2018.
- Malfunction of showing that owning Paid Gems are not enough and keeps loading when you choose "Use Gems to finish" the quest. -- We are currently investigating.
*You are able to purchase Quest Guide only with Paid Gems. We have fixed at the maintenance on August 15, 2018.
- Malfunction of achievement requirements not being able to judged normally in some achievements. -- We are planning for fixing this issue in the next maintenance.
*After the maintenance is completed, the correct judgement for achievement will be fixed as you re-open the collect book. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction when damage decrease effect does not show correctly when armor is awakened. -Malfunction of when armor that is awakened with damage decrease effect is acted from "own attack" not from "enemy attack." --We are currently investigating this issue. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of showing the percentage of damage increase/decrease effect given to the awakened equipment is written as percentage before the revision on July 25, 2018 in the Help Book. -- We are currently investigating. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of not being able to progress under certain condition during tutorial. -- We are planning to fix this issue for the next app version update.
*Please note refrain from allocating the status until the instruction is given during the tutorial after creating the character.
When the above malfunction has occured, we will correspond to each problem in order to make it progress. Please contact from "Menu">""Contact/FAQ". Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunctions of freezing with display "Connecting..." and not being able to control after buying certain item.
- Malfunctions of "Shop" and "Bag" button not being displayed under cirtain circumstance. Bug fix has been completed.
- Not being work properly for skills "Tathlum Cannon Lv4,Lv5". -- We are currently investigating. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of "Crescent Ring 3's" recipe not displaying at Synthesis NPC. -- We are currently investigating. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of item icon not displaying correctly, when some avatar is equipped. --It will be fixed with the updated App. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of summoned Valkyrie by another player is not displayed correctly although it is configured "Self Only" or "PT Only" in option's "Summoned Monster Display" section. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of some weapon avatars displaying incorrectly. We have recovered for weapon avatars listed, on June 6, 2018, around 13:00.
- Malfunction of increasing resistance against stunning not being effective with Light Lord Skill "Judgement Light"
-- We are planning to fix above malfunction with maintenance on June 6, 2018. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of not be able to progress from black out display while menu type is set-up as "Classic" and logging-out. -- We are currently investigating. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of the control pad not working after changing the menu type from "Classic" to "Modern." -- We are currently investigating.
*This malfunction will be recovered by logging-in again. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of some icons for short-cut are not displaying correctly for menu type "Classic." -- We are currently investigating. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction of buttons other than "Back" will not work after purchasing item from Arms Shop NPC. -- This malfunction is planned to be fixed with the next app update.
*After closing display by tapping the "Back" button and tapping the NPC again, you will be able to purchase it again. Bug fix has been completed.
- Malfunction with some avatar not displaying correctly and map BGM not playing correctly. -- We are currently investigating the cause of this malfunction and will fix as soon as the cause has confirmed. Bug fix has been completed.
The cause is currently under investigation.
We apologize for the inconvenience and kindly ask for your patience until the fix is made.
AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team