Maintenance has completed. [Maintenance schedule] 5/1/2018 from 05:00(GMT)
[Maintenance Purpose] - Renewal of the shop
- Additional movie effects when pack from shop is used.
-- In addition with new effects, details also added with winning item's rarity within description.
- Get 3x of EXP status from monsters in Main Tower's maps below.
└ 1F -Sonaria-/ 9F -Solain-/ 13F -Gebu-/ 18F -Caplia-/ 22F -Shizima-/ 39F -Soulus- * This is special campaign until May 9, 2018 (Wed) 4:59 (GMT).
* RE Monster and Core monster will be not covered.
We apologize for any trouble that may be caused by this maintenance.
Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.
The following is a notification of a maintenance. [Maintenance schedule] 5/1/2018 from 05:00(GMT) * Only the rebooting
[Maintenance Purpose] - Preparation of event.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you for your patience.
AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team