เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    5/16 Details for update
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    We made an update on 5/16/2018.
    Also, application has been renewed as well so please try to download/install the latest version of application.

    *It will take time to update the app version.

    Details after the renewing the app version*Details regarding the newest app
    [Update Details]
    - Changes and additional functions within the shop
    -- Function to skip the display for result for winning item.
    -- Changes in displaying the product list's detail in "opened condition" from the listed
    -- Changes in avatar preview display where player don't need to let go of the number in order to show the details of the set.
    -- Other optimization at the shop

    - Adding "■Display size" at Graphic's Setting menu's Render Lv "Custom"
    -- There will be changes in display size according to the setting.

    - Adding "■Summoned Monster Display" at Graphic Setting

    - Changes in not returning to quest selection after accepting the quest.
    - Changes in showing up "Release Quest" in the top at the list of quests.
    - Changes so that quests to be set in the progress display are reselected from the quest list, only when the quests set in the progress display are reported.
    *The progress will show up only with the quest that is already set-up for display of the progress.

    - Adding function to Graphic Settings and set as defaults under specific setting when app is booted.
    -- Render Lv. "Low"
    -- Screen size "Sm."
    -- Displayed Players "Sm."
    -- Displayed Distance "Sm."
    -- Show Shadow "Sm."
    -- Show Skill effects "Self Only"
    -- Show Damage effects "Don't show"
    -- Show dealt damage "Self Only"
    -- Show Pets "PT only"
    -- Show Summoned Monster "Self Only"

    [Bug Fixes]
    - Recovery from malfunction of not showing the preview when player is equipped with 2H weapon, or applicable avatar, and trying on
    - Recovery from malfunction in not showing some of the colors while selecting "Status" for Armor Enhancement Display.
    - Recovery from malfunction of shifted tap under certain condition.
    - Recovery from malfunction of items shown shifted at bag display.
    - Recovery from malfunction of Pyroxene and Skill Boost's effect shown shifted under certain condition.
    - Recovery from malfunction of now showing free pack's red badge icon.

    We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team