About display for "Paid Magic Gems" and "Unpaid Magic Gems"
Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.
After the maintenance on May 23, 2018 (Wed),
there will be new displays showing in-game currency of "Magic Gems" to separate "Paid" and "Unpaid."
We will inform the process to check history after the change with currently owning Magic Gems.
Details and history about owning Magic Gems
Check details about currently owning Magic Gems and its details, with history of receiving and consuming through: "Title">"Menu">"Customer Support">"Magic Gems owned/History of Magic Gems"
Tap "Menu" > "Customer Support" from Main Title
Tap "Magic Gems owned/History of Magic Gems" at the bottom of "Cutomer Support"
In display of "Magic Gems owned/History of Magic Gems" 1.It will show the total of owned Magic Gems, both "Paid Magic Gems" and "Unpaid Magic Gems." 2.Owned Magic Gems are separately displayed "Paid" and "Unpaid." 3.Details "Paid" and "Unpaid" will also show the details of received and consumed amount.
There will be total amount of "Paid Magic Gems" and "Unpaid Magic Gems" shown at the upper-right side of the Shop's display.
Purchase Display 1.There will be total amount shown before purchasing "Paid Magic Gems" and "Unpaid Magic Gems." 2.Magic Gems that will be shown separately with "Paid" and "Unpaid." *Amount of Magic Gems will not be shown after purchase.
*It will not be shown if updated app from May 23, 2018 is not installed.
Display of item purchase within the game
Purchase display 1.The total amount of "Paid Magic Gems" and "Unpaid Magic Gems" before purchase will be shown. 2.Consumed amount of Magic Gems will be shown when it is purchased. *There will be no separated display for "Paid" and "Unpaid" before purchase.
*It will not be shown if updated app from May 23, 2018 is not installed.
If you have any questions and concerns, please contact from "Menu">"Contact/FAQ".
AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team