About the issue of the effect loss of the "Rift Stone"
The issue of the ""Rift Stone"" losing its effect has been fixed at the maintenance on Thursday, August 15th, 05:00 - 05:05.
After using the Rift Stone to an item, this issue occurs when you ""evolve"" the item above. We fixed the cause of issue, however there is a chance that the ineffective items due to bug are still remaining in game.
For users who have tried the above action between Fri, July 26th - Thu, Aug 15, 05:00, please check if there is a problem previously described with your items.
Please contact customer support when you find a lost effect of the Rift Stone. We will investigate the item status with past logs and provide you with the appropriate service.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience we have caused, but thank you for your understanding and patience.