เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    Introducing half-consuming DP and limited achievements! "Challengers' Week" now opens!
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    After the maintenance on July 11, 2018 (Wed),
    we will be holding "Challengers' Week"! 

    Event Period
    From 7/11/2018 after the maintenance - until 7/18/2018 04:59 (GMT)
    *Event limited daily achievements will be until July 19, 2018, 04:00 (GMT).

    Achievement added for limited-time-only for "Challengers' Week"!
    During the event, "Total Points 50000" will be added to daily achievements!

    As you achieve "Total Points 50000", you will get
    League Ticket

    as rewards!

    Try out with Technical Battles that only consumes half of DPs♪

    *You will only be able to achieve daily achievement "Total Point 50000" 1 time per 1 day per 1 account.

    Consuming DP will be half for technical battle and challenge dungeon!
    During the event session, the following technical battle and challenge dungeon will be halved!
    ↓↓↓Here are the following ↓↓↓
    Technical Battle
    Bright Moss SURVIVAL RUSH
    Bright Moss SURVIVAL RUSH MB
    ZENITH CLASH -Rock Dragon-

    ZENITH CLASH -Rock Dragon-

    ZENITH CLASH -Rock Dragon-
    Sword Floor (1/2/3/4/RE)
    Armor Floor (1/2/3/4/RE)
    Parallel Dungeon (Int/Adv/EX Adv)

    Sun Only: Room of strong stone
    Sun Only: Room of strong stone RE

    Tue Only: Room of sharp crystal
    Tue Only: Room of sharp crystal RE

    Wed Only: Pal's Hideout Int
    Wed Only: Pal's Hideout Adv
    Wed Only: Pal's Hideout Ex Adv
    Wed Only: Pal's Hideout RE

    Thu Only: Room of stiff crystal
    Thu Only: Room of stiff crystal RE

    Fri Only: Treasure of Union
    Fri Only: Treasure of Union RE

    Sat Only: Rainbow Room
    Sat Only: Rainbow Room Adv
    Sat Only: Rainbow Room RE

    Sun Only: Light Cave (Nov/Int/Adv/RE)
    Mon Only: Earth Cave (Nov/Int/Adv/RE)
    Tue Only: Flame Cave (Nov/Int/Adv/RE)
    Wed Only: Water Cave (Nov/Int/Adv/RE)
    Thu Only: Wind Cave (Nov/Int/Adv/RE)
    Fri Only: Mixed Cave (Nov/Int/Adv/RE)
    Sat Only: Dark Cave (Nov/Int/Adv/RE)

    Ablution of evolution (Nov/Int/Adv/RE)

    Don't miss this chance for half-consuming DP challenge♪

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team