[10/31 5:40(GMT)Edit] 10/31 Notice of Application Version Update
Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.
Here are the details for updated details for 2018/10/31maintenance and app version update.
After the latest app version is official, and the dialogue appears that update is required when the app is launched, please install the latest version app from app stores according to your platform. Details from the maintenance
- Change in appearing Boss Monster in each quest of "Proving Strength."
-- It is possible to report, cleared "Proving Strength" that was accepted before the maintenance.
-- Boss monster will be changed for target for the uncleared, "Proving Strength" that was accepted before the maintenance. ※There will be no change in Boss Monster's status, but monster type and element will be the changed boss monster.
- Adjustment of upper cap of amount of recovering SP for "Sapiena ORB."
-- The recovering intervals are adjusted according to the amount of increased recovery.
- Change in reducing the damage from the monster with the same name as the pet, when the pet is out.
- Change in fixed rate that fluctuate according to kill/Death in PvP and GvG.
-- After the change, it will even out to "kill:100 points" and "Death: -50 points."
- Change in starting time for main battle for official PVP and official GVG tournaments.
-- Change will be applied to the main battle on 2018/11/2 for Official PVP tournament, and on 2018/11/9 for official GVG tournament 2018/11/9.
>>>Please check here for updated details
We have released the character level up to "260."
Upon with the release, there will be adjustments for the following implementations and additions.
- Released character level cap up to 260.
- Implementing Normal Arms level limit "260"
- Adding level limit arms, "260," in Expert Synthesis recipe.
- Adding level limit arms, "220," at Adv Arm NPC line-up.
-- Due to the addition above, we have ended in selling each weapons and armors with level limit "200" and 11 stars to 13 stars of normal equipments.
- Accessories applicable to equipment level limit "260" are added in line-ups at Advanced Arms Shop NPC.
*Arm level limit 120 and above arms can not be stored in Crysta Case.
*Advanced Arms Shop's line-up will be released according to reaching levels at the main tower.
- Adding Rift stones, Slot Release, and ORB Remover that corresponds with arm level limit, "260."
- Adding Rift stones and Slot Release in shop line-up at Adv. Arm NPC for arm level limit, "220."
- Adding Rift stones, Slot Release, and ORB Remover in production recipe at Synthesis NPC for arm level limit, "220."
・Deleted the details about Skill Boost in the description of EX Skill of Summonner's Advanced Class. *Change will only be applied to the description, and there will be no changes with the effect of the Skill.
- Change in adding a buff of increasing ATK by giving up DEF when monster uses specific skill.
-- DEF decrease effect: Increased rate for suffered damage, and suffered critical.
-- ATK increase effect: Increased rate for damage and critical to player, moving speed and ATK speed. *There may bec monsters that does not apply to above effect.
Details from latest app version*Details regarding the newest app
- Change in able to exchange multiple coins for Copper Coin Exchange at once at Weird Copper Coin Exchanger.
- Changes in able to switch to "Order" for filter "All" in Crysta Case.
- Changes in the letter limit for character name up to 14 halfwidth letters. *Letter limits will be the same but 1 fullwidth letter will be counted as 2 halfwidth letters.
- Change in activated skill before the battle start will be ineffective after entering the room and maps starting the battle after time limit or starting manually.
-- Applicable to "League PvP" and "Challenge."
- Renovated the UI for control.
-- Due to this change, the menu type will be unified with "Modern." *The latest app version will be "Modern," although the last menu set-up before the update was different.
*There may be some certain circumstances that emojis will not appear differently from before update.
We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.
AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team