เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    [11/7 1:20(GMT)Edit] 11/7 Notice of Application Version Update
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Here are the details for updated details for 2018/11/7maintenance and app version update.

    After the latest app version is official, and the dialogue appears that update is required when the app is launched,
    please install the latest version app from app stores according to your platform.
    Details from the maintenance
    - Preparation of event.
    - Changes in descriptions for some ORBs.

    *There are no changes in the ORB effect itself and attachment positions.

    - Fixed an issue of continued sharing effects to party members who are already logged out, for PT Member Buff Bonus.
    *Buff effect will not be shared to logged out party members.

    - Adjustment to arms status for equipment level limit 260.
    -- About weapons for "Equipment Level Limit 260"
    Adjusting upper cap of MINATK and MAXATK.
    --About armors for "Equipment Level Limit 260"
     Adjusting upper cap of Subt DEF and Subt MDEF.

    - Removed base portal on 1F -Sonaria-

    *Please use "Return to Base" within short-cut, in order to go to Base.

    - Fixed an issue  of not showing the necessary items although having it for production recipes below.
    -- Rift Stone "220" "240" "260"
    -- Slot Release "220" "240" "260"
    -- ORB Remover "220" "240" "260"

    - Fixed an issue of excess amount of items dissappear when items produced exceeded upper limit of the bag and sent to storage, and upper limit of storage has also exceeded.
    - Fixed an issue of effect not activating when attack hits, for some ORBs with effect should be activated when hits.
    [11/7 1:20(GMT)Edit] ​

    Details from latest app version*Details regarding the newest app
    - Fixed an issue of party member not showing in green on the mini-map.
    Fixed an issue of some letters shown overlapped at Party Information display.
    Fixed an issue of showing "1 ○○ Produced" when produced from recipe that has "〇〇x10."

    We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team