[11/13 7:50(GMT)Edit] [Important] About server integration and accounts.
This is the important notice for users who have created account in different language servers after November 9th, 2018 (Fri).
At the server integration which was conducted on November 12, 2018, the account was also integrated at the last log-in time.
Therefore, if the last login was done on a server other than the one normally played, it will be integrated on the basis of "account created by other language server after November 9, 2018".
Some information such as Shop BOX, will be shown on the account that becomes a basis.
With above case, "Shop BOX account created by other language server after November 9, 2018" will be shown.
Since we have confirmed that there are many accounts applied with the case above, we will integrate the following information based on the account currently used at the maintenance on November 21, 2018.
・Items in Shop BOX existing in any servers.
・Owned furnitures in any servers.
Additionally, the above data will be integrated on the maintenance on November 21, 2018,
if there were cases with insufficient amount of items after integration, please contanct until November 26, 2018 (Mon) 14:59 (GMT).
*Please note in advance that we cannot gurantee the correspondence for the above case reported after November 26, 2018 (Mon) 14:59 (GMT).
Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.
This is information for server integration is planned for maintenance on November 12, 2018.
The current existing Korean server, Taiwan server and English server will be integrated in to one.
Please note that due to this integration, the character IDs for currently existing characters in current Korean and Taiwan server will be changed.
Additionally, for those hold multiple accounts in multiple servers, in order to avoid the discrepancy for the data, we will hold below correspondence.
- For users who have played in multiple servers in the past but currently playing in only one.
For those accounts which hasn't been logged-in for certain amount of time will be deleted at the timing for server integration.
Due to this, the account for the server currently playing can be used after the integration.
If you are currently playing only in English Server, but made accounts and played in both English and Korean servers before.
=> Only English Server's account can be used after the server integration.
*Korean Server's account will be deleted.
- Users who are currently playing in multiple servers.
Out of different accounts, having the most used account as a basis, other accounts' information below will be integrated to the most used account. - Character information (level, class, guild etc.)
- Bag, storage, items in shop BOX.
- Quest information for each characters.
- Friend Mail
- Pets
- My Room (Furnitures, Avatar Closet, Gold Bank)
But, with information below, it will be difficult to be integrated in to one.
Due to this issue, the information on the mostly used account will be left and information on other accounts will be deleted at the time of server integration. - Scores from Technical Battles
- Collect book
- Quest information according to different accounts.
- Achievements
- GM Mails
- Black Lists
- Learned emotions
- Login Bonus achievements
We aplogize for the inconvenience caused and appreciate for your patience and understanding.
AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team