เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」
Notice for major update release
Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.
A major update has been performed at the maintenance performed at June 2nd, 15:00-16:00(GMT).
[Update Details]
--- Game Controller Support
AVABEL ONLINE can now be played with a game controller.
Settings can be done from "Config".
The following items are recommended for iOS and Android devices.
[For iOS devices] SteelSeries Stratus Wireless Gaming Controller
[For Android devices] SMACON
*May not be compatible according to the device used or configured settings.
*This does not assure for full compatibility to all devices.
--- Wedding Event will be held
Wedding map added.
Wedding limited quests added.
Wedding limited avatars added.
--- Monthly Ticket Bonus Effects changed
Item stacks increase effects added.
Assigned Premium Exhibit effects added.
--- Fixes in Technical Battle
--- Difficultly levels added to Challenge Dungeon
Check out the update details and enjoy the game!
AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team