Play Avabel over New Year Holidays and get many Gems!
New Year Holidays Special Achievements Now Open!
Special achievements to get maximum of 5 Gems in a day will be available from December 27 to January 6! Special achievements will be resetted everyday at 4:00AM during the period, and you can get maximum of 55 Gems!
Event PeriodFrom December 27, 2018 after maintenance to January 6, 2019 18:59 (GMT). New Year Holidays Special Achievements
Reward details
Played 1 min
1 Gem
Total defeat point 200000 (account)
1 Gem
Total defeat point 300000 (account)
1 Gem
Total defeat point 400000 (account)
1 Gem
Total defeat point 500000 (account)
1 Gem
Notes*Special achievements will change everyday at 19:00AM.
*Please note that you cannot receive the special achievements that you got before the change.
*Each special achievements can be received once per day, per 1 account.
*Special achievements' total defeat points will be counted from after the maintenance on December 27. Complete all the special achievements!
AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team