เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    1/30 Notice of Application Version Update
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Here are the details for updated details for 2019/1/30 maintenance and app version update.

    After the latest app version is official, and the dialogue appears that update is required when the app is launched,
    please install the latest version app from app stores according to your platform.
    Details from the maintenance
    - Added the 7th Summoner advanced class "Iroas"
    Please check here for the 7th Summoner details

    - "The 7th Summoner Celebration Campaign" starts
    >>> Please check here for the Campaign details

    ・For users who have purchased with total added status +9 "Genma's Rune Armor 13" during period below.
    └Dates: Start of sale to January 30, 12:59(JST/UTC+9)

    *We are currently preparing for transfer for users who have purchased after the applicable dates as well.

    ・Fixed upper cap of specific Awaken Class' character HP.
    ・Fixed part of upper cap of EX skill, Awaken Class' skill.
    └We have conducted this fix of upper cap for overall balance adjustment considering for current VS battle, VS monster environment. There is no fix of lower cap for this adjustment.

    *We will further conduct the game balance for providing the users better gaming environment. Please note that we will notify whenever there will be adjustments.

    - Fixed an issue of not being able to move items locked within the bag in to Storage or Sharing Case.
    - Fixed an issue of not having the name of Advanced Class needed for changing class above the class details of when changing to Awaken Class.
    - Fixed an issue of specific avatars are not equipped in the preview shown.

    Details from latest app version*Details regarding the newest app
    - Change in showing opponents' information in PvP league.
    -- Character name, Class, Rank, Total Battle Record, This Week's Battle Record.

    - Change in showing the last channel logged-in, when selecting channel in Title Login.
    - Change in able to receive selected all items from Shop Box.
    - Change in showing item details in Sharing Case, Crysta Case and Element Case.
    - Change in showing finger icon when conducting auto-quest.
    - Change in able to select Chat's font size from "L・M・S."
    -- Primary setting will be "M"

    - Fixed an issue of number of items showing in minus when showing Quest List when you discard the necessary items for Collect Quest.

    We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team