เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    2/20 [Big Update] with many new functions!
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Here are the details for updated details for 2019/2/20 maintenance and app version update.

    After the latest app version is official, and the dialogue appears that update is required when the app is launched,
    please install the latest version app from app stores according to your platform.
    New floor "Volcano" is now added! The floor of burning, hot lava!
    The popular campaign is back! "Banquet of Inviting Cat" starts from 2/20!
    Others with various updates added!
    New floor "Volcano" is now added! The floor of burning, hot lava!

    The first floor of "Volcano," "49F -Elb-" is newly added!

    Molten, red-hot lava heats up the Volcanic area,
    and stronger monsters you haven't seen yet also awaits for your battle!

    Let's go out for a new adventure!!

    We will be releasing 2nd and 3rd floors for following updates. Please look forward♪

    Also, we will be adding new limited quests for new floors as well !
    Don't miss this chance to get ORBs from the monsters on the new floors as well♪

    Here are more details about limited quests!
    The popular campaign is back! "Banquet of Inviting Cat" starts from 2/20!Big coins, small coins, so many to get♪

    Back by popular demand, "Banquet of Inviting Cat" will open for a reboot!

    Not only "Inviting Cat ORB," so many, various items and avatars will be available for you to get more♪ Additionally, for this time, "ORB Remover 100," and "Slot Release 100" will be available as event-limited achievements!!

    From 2/20/2019 after the maintenance - until 2/27/2019 04:59 (GMT)

    Here are more information about "Banquet of Inviting Cat"
    Others with various updates added!Be faster to level-up!
    - Change in default for Max Boost and Max Boost related quests -
    - Change to able to reach level 300 by removing the "Max Boost" that was the level cap's unlocking condition for level 100 and above, to acquiring EXPs necessary for leveling up.
    -- The quest "Proving Strength," required quest for "Max Boost,"  will be changed to getting EXPs.
    -- Due to this change, Max Boost Chamber unlock quest "Road to Max Boost," will be removed, and you may transfer to Max Boost Chamber from Max Boost Chamber Transferrer.
    *Due to the changes of specification for "Max Boost," Max Boost Chamber Transferrer Laine will also be removed as well.

    - We will be newly adding the quest, "Proof of Study," to offer Max Boost Crystals to get EXPs.
    -- "Proof of Study" is a Quest that can be accepted from Quest Manager Carlos' "Guiding Power."

    - "Max Boost Quest" will be removed due to this update.
    - We will be newly adding achievement to get total of 16 Gems in a week.
    * This will be a change after the scheduled maintenance on February 25, 2019 (Mon).
    * Please note that accepting rewards for "Max Boost Quest" will be until February 24, 2019 (Sun) 23:59.

    - Get 1 Gem everyday!!
    Newly added a Daily Achievement Total 1000000 points.
    -- We will be newly adding a new Daily Achievement "Total 1000000 (Account)" per 1 account.
    -- As an Achievement Reward, you can get "1 Gem," and can get maximum of "7 Gems" for a week.

    - Get 1 Gem during weekdays, 2 Gems on weekends!!
    Newly added League Mode's Daily Achievement

    ・We have newly added achievement that can be received daily, accordingly to number of wins!
    └During weekdays, you can get 1 Gem with 3 wins, and during the weekends, you can get 1 Gem for 3 wins, and another 1 Gem if it was 6 wins.
    * Requirement to get daily achievement will be that winning count will be counted by the player rank above "D."
    * Daily Achievement will be resetted everyday at 4:00AM.

    Enjoy the battle with the new PvP!
    - Changes in default with addition of Class League -

    - Newly added "Class League"
    - We will newly add "Class League" which is separated from "General League's" "Class Ranking."
    -- You will be matched with other players with your Class type at "Class League"
    - The ranking will be shown separately with "General League" and "Class League."
    - We will change the number of times for limit for a day's League Ticket from "5" to "99."
    - We will change the opening time for the Leagues to "11:00 to 15:00/19:00 to 23:00(JST)."

    - Change in the time for League Mode
    We have changed the time for "League Mode" Rank Match from 5 minutes to 3 minutes, and Practice Mode's time from 15 minutes to 3 minutes.
    └ Rank Match and Practice Match for newly added "Class League" will both be 3 minutes.

    - Changes in League Mode's Ranking
    - If in SSS Rank, changes in the default point after resetted every Sunday.
    -- If the rank difference of the battle-played characters is open, it will be changed according to the number of points that will fluctuate due to winning or losing will increase or decrease.
    * You can only get few points if you win over player with lower rank, but you can get more points as you win over the player with higher rank.
    - We have changed the battle matching card only once daily for the same character for each "General League" and "Class League."
    - You can now enter Practice Mode any time which will not influence ranking or number of wins.
    - Changes in necessary receiving points in each ranking up.
    -- Please note that there may be change in current ranking due to the change with receiving points.
    * "General League" and "Class League" points will not overlap each other.

    * Warning *
    Please note that the Class Ranking from February 18 (Mon) to February 20 (Wed) before maintenance will be resetted when Class League is added.
    The rewards for the ranking which will be delivered on February 25 (Mon) 12:00AM, will be calculated according to the battle results from February 20 (Wed) after maintenance to February 24 (Sun).

    - Details for each Leagues' Ranking Rewards
    Due to addition of Class League, the League Mode's ranking reward will be as below.
    [General League]
    - Before [Week Overall Ranking Reward]
    Rank 1…25Gems, Rank 2~5…15Gems, Rank 6~15…10Gems、Rank 16~50…5Gems, Rank 51~100…3Gems, Rank 101~200…1Gem

    - After [Week General League Ranking Reward]
    Rank 1…10Gems, Rank 2…7Gems, Rank 3…5Gems, Rank 6~10…3Gems, Rank 11~30…1Gems

    [Class League]
    - Before [Week Overall Ranking Reward]
    Rank 1…5Gems, Rank 2~5…3Gems, Rank 6~15…2Gems, Rank 16~50…1Gem

    - After [Week General League Ranking Reward]
    Rank 1…5Gems, Rank 2…3Gems, Rank 3…1Gem

    Let's go hunt with Mevius Arms!
    - Change in defaults for Equipment Lv limit unlock -
    - Change in able to equip even if the level of the character has not reached the equipment level limit set for the armor.
    * If by equipping the level limit hasn't reached, the equipment's ability lowers lowered the maximum up to half.
    * When using Rift Stones, you can use the original equipment ability not related to equipment level limit for only used character.

    - Ended the sale line-ups for some equipments from Arms Shop Irris and Advanced Gear Shop Anna.

    Released the character level up to "300"- We have released the character level up to "300"
    Upon with the release, there will be adjustments for the following implementations and additions.
    - Released character level cap up to"300."
    - Implementing Mevius Arms level limit "300."
    - Adding level limit arms, "300," in Expert Synthesis recipe.
    - Adding level limit arms, "260," at Adv Arm NPC line-up.
    -- Due to the addition above, we have ended in selling each weapons and armors with level limit "240" and 11 stars to 13 stars of normal equipments.
    - Adjusted the price for Equipment Level limit "140" to "240" that corresponds to Mevius Arms in due to addition.

    - Accessories applicable to equipment level limit "260" are added in line-ups at Advanced Arms Shop NPC.

    * Arm level limit "120" and above arms can not be stored in Crysta Case.

    - Adding Rift stones, Slot Release, and ORB Remover that corresponds with arm level limit, "300."
    - Adding Rift stones, Slot Release, and ORB Remover in production recipe at Synthesis NPC for arm level limit, "300."
    - Adding Rift stones and Slot Release in shop line-up at Adv. Arm NPC for arm level limit, "260."
    -- Due to this addition, we have adjusted the prices for Rift Stones and Slot Release for equipment level limit "140"to "240".

    Added various useful functions!
    Have a pleasant AVABEL life!
    - Added "Room" in group chat system
    -- Chat room able to invite a member who is not a party member of guild member.

    - Added "Useful Functions"
    -- "Event" button is changed to "Useful Functions" button on upper left hand of main display.
    -- With the "Useful Function" button, you can access to join different events, and access to storage and Item Shop as well.
    From Useful Functions, it is available to access to storage, itemshops and joining each events.
    -- When tapping "Useful Function" button, there will be useful functions listed.
    * "Useful Functions" are only available for usage in the base.

    ・Changed in Instance Dungeon member recruiting battle power to fix from "1" to "999999."
    └For Challenge Dungeon, applicable to only when creating Guild-only or room name "Only PT member" room.
    └For Technical Battle, only when creating "Guild member only" and "PT member only" for member recruiting.
    └If the battle power is limited in the room setting, it will automatically become the lower cap for recruiting battle power.
    *Recommended battle power is not recruiting battle power's lower cap.

    - Added function to use Bag Expansion, Weight Expansion, Storage Expansion, Crysta Case Expansion, Element Expansion at once.
    - Added function to switch ON and OFF for sleep mode in device's config.
    -- within Config's "Control," if you allow "Prevent Sleep" the device's sleep mode will be turned off.
    * In order to turn ON device's sleep mode, please disable "Prevent Sleep."
    * "Prevent Sleep" will be abled in the default setting.
    - Change in showing the Arm's details such as element added in the Blacksmith's selecting display or Awake Arms.
    - Change in showing upper limit for production according to number of owning materials when using production for Creator type job.
    - Change in able to continue the party recruitment although changing channels and map, when recruiting Party.
    - Change in able to elude your own character to summoned monster of your enemy.

    Bug Fix- Fixed an issue of not being able to show further pages from 2nd page of the Rescue Board.
    - Fixed an issue of not being able to recover HP fully when abnormal status of HP's maximum value reduces during competing and HP becomes "0 (Death)."
    - Fixed an issue of item list shifts to left, when scrolling the showing items and switching to another page.
    - Issue of showing wrong information of Party member and friend when showing up in Mini Map under specific condition.
    - Fixed an issue of display is not directed to the opposing character after the matching in League Mode.
    - Changes in able to transfer to the original map at Instance Dungeon, when leaving such as situation if connection disconnects and recovers.
    -- Above will be applicable for PvP, Challenge Dungeon, Technical Battle, Defense Line.
    - Fixed an issue to recover for status point before the update on December 19, 2018, for Bard's Skill, "Therapy Melody."
    -- Fixed the same issue regarding the skill "Therapy Melody" while holding Skill Ring.
    The amount of recovery according to the Status Point before the update on December 19, 2018 was conducted correctly,
    but due to update, the total amount of Status Points were increased, and was higher recovery amount than expected.

    We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team