Currently, we have confirmed the issue below.[4/3 Edit] - Issue of not being able to move from 3rd floor to 4th floor in Ilse Tower at Tower Scramble. [Fixed] - Issue of showing Party recruitment screen when specific control is conducted although already joined the Party.
- Issue of app is forced end, when selecting Guild name in Guild Board. - Issue of not showing each friend's channel information in the Friend List.
- Issue of not showign the Total Offered in the Guild Member's profile screen.
- Issue of not being able to scroll down to confirm all Guild Members in the Guild Member screen under specific condition.
- Issue of not being able show Guild Master or Guild Submaster list in the upper list of Guild Member screen.
- Issue of not being able to show the member's login channel in the Guild Member screen.
- Issue of each buttons to acquire guild skills and leveling up are partly cut-off.
- Issue of control UI disappearred after returning after own character died while opening Menu screen under certain condition.
-- Menu screen including options and others.
- Issue of showing time left for Skill Boost is different from what it supposed to be, under certain conditions.
*The effect itself is still activated during the time.
- Issue of not be able to attack Agritra at Volcano 51F when it is on Auto. *You will be able to attack when it is on manual.
- Issue of able to clear the achievement which originally supposed to be not on the Volcano floors.
The cause is currently under investigation.
We apologize for the inconvenience and kindly ask for your patience until the fix is made.
AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team