เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    Notice for update on 4/10

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Here are the details for updated details for 2019/4/10 maintenance and app version update.
    For the followings, the content which has (!!) will be applied to latest version of application. 
    *It will take time to update the app version.
    Updated details- Event "Enhance Super Success Campaign" starts !
    Please check here for Event details

    - Max Boost Crystal can now be sold.

    - Added the function to delete profile icon.
    - Added the function to set more details to show the Battle power information according to character. (!!)
    - Added function to re-order to show Guild Member within the Guild Menu. (!!)
    - Changes in showing the list from 2 column to 1 column in "Friend Menu" "Guild Menu" "Guild Board" (!!)

    - Simplified  the details shown on mini map at the Main screen. (!!)
    Bug Fixes- Fixed an issue of the point becomes zero at the start of next week when you haven't battled at PvP League within the period.

    - Fixed an issue of not being able to transfer because of having enough money for fee, although using Crystals instead. (!!)
    - Fixed an issue of not showing "Guardian Release" and "Expand facility" in the Guild Skill passive list. (!!)
    - Fixed an issue of detail not being refreshed although the Guild Information are re-written. (!!)
    -- Letter limit will be until 255.

    - Fixed an issue of not showing the details of selling items, when items are sold through NPC, and Useful Functions. (!!)
    - Fixed an issue of screen becomes darker when Battery Saving Mode is turned on. (!!)
    - Fixed an issue of not having the speed after setting up "Camera Speed" at config. (!!)
    - Fixed the issue of the mail sort order being in the "Order of the oldest" for the GM Mail list (!!)
    -- Mail sort order changed to the "Order of the newest"

    - Fixed an issue of Chat Window is not shown under specific condition. (!!)
    - Fixed an issue of number of unread Mails are not shown correctly under specific condition. (!!)
    - Fixed an issue of showing the Guilds that you didn't request in "Submitting to Guild" under specific condition. (!!)
    - Fixed an issue of not showing information on "Submitting to Guild" in Guild Board under specific condition. (!!)

    We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team