เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    Notice for update on 4/24 "4th Awaken Class finally added!"

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Here are the details for updated details for 2019/4/24 maintenance and app version update.
    For the followings, the content which has (!!) will be applied to latest version of application. 
    *It will take time to update the app version.
    -4th Awaken Class finally added!
    -Guard your souls! "Tango’s Samurai" 4/27-
    -Fight in the 3-way battle!! 19th AVABEL SUPER FIGHT!! now starts!
    -Added new Abnormal Status! Also, adding new case for the Abnormal Status!
    -Updated details
    4th Awaken Class finally added!

    We have added "4th Awaken Class"!!

    In the Awaken Class, you will be able to acquire enhanced advanced class skill's ”Awakened Version of Advanced Skill" and  super powerful "Awaken Skills,"
    Also, you can now equip 2 advanced class EX Skill Rings at the same time, which is also requirement to change class!​

    >>> Click here for more details about the 4th Awaken Class
    Guard your souls! "Tango’s Samurai" 4/27-Let's defeat all the Samurai Rejects!

    We will be holding an event to defeat the Samurai Rejects that are charging towards the Tango Garden and get ORBs by defeating them!

    Also, we will be selling 2 types of Event's supportive items, so take this chance for purchase☆
    >>> Please check here for Event details 

    Event Period
    From 4/24/2019 after the maintenance - until 5/8/2019 04:59 (GMT)
    Fight in the 3-way battle!! 19th AVABEL SUPER FIGHT!! now starts!Soul-burning 3-way battle is about to start…

    We will be holding "19th AVABEL SUPER FIGHT!!," to battle team's points with 3 teams!
    >>> Please check here for Event details 

    [Entry Period]
    4/27/2019 3:00 ~ 4/27/2019 04:59(GMT)

    [Tournament Period]
    4/27/2019 05:00 ~ 05:15(GMT)
    Added new Abnormal Status! Also, adding new case for the Abnormal Status!11 new types of Abnormal Status is added!New and various Abnormal Status has been added to Avabel!(!!)
    Let's have more fun Avabel life with more intense battles!
    * Please note that Abnormal Status will not be added to all monsters including summoned monsters after April 24th's maintenance.

    - The added Abnormal Status are below.
    Deals with damage per 1 seconds for certain time.
    -- The damage rate will be calculated through the attacker's ATK and MATK's value.
    Cannot use all of active skills for certain time.
    *Normal attack and basic skills (Jump, evade, dash) can be used.
    All of character controls such as attack and moving will be stopped for certain time.
    -- Defense element will be "Earth" during petrification.
    *Items cannot be used as well.
    Cannot move, jump, evade or dash for certain time.
    Character's movements and attack will slow down for certain time.
    Screen will become dark for certain time and limits your POV.
    Screen will become white for certain time and limits your POV.
    Character controls except for normal attack cannot be controlled for certain time.
    *Items can be used.
    Character's movement by the controller pad will become reverse.
    The active skills set up in the short-cut page cannot be able to use for certain time.
    -- All of active skills cannot be used used in all of short-cut page.
    *You can switch the short-cut pages.
    Each status value will be reduced for certain time.

    New ORBs with new abnormal status are available!
    Also, added Resist Case that are specialized for abnormal status and resist rings are added to store in the case!
    ORBs to add the abnormal status when attack at certain rate, and ORBs that can resist against each abnormal status are now available!(!!)
    -ORBs that can add the abnormal status can be equipped to weapon with unlocked slots.
    -Newly available abnormal status resist ORBs, can be equipped to accessory with unlocked slots.
    --  Higher the number of stars, the resist effect will be higher as well.

    -Also, added "Resist Case" specialized for abnormal status.(!!)
    - You can store only "Resist Rings" (accessory equip) in the Resist Case.
    -- Resist Rings that have more stars, needs more slots.
    -- In order to unlock slots for Resist Rings, you will need Slot Release 200 or above.
    - If you equip abnormal status resist ORB and put in Resist Case, only some of the value for abnormal status will be effective.
    * Abnormal status will not be raised although the Resist Ring with abnormal status ORB is not equipped is stored.
    - The Resist Case will start from "5" slots as default.
    -- If you use "Resist Case Expansion," you can expand Resist Case's slots.
    - Please note that you will need to store Resist Ring in Sharing Case to store in the Resist Case.

    Also, there will be "Resist Dungeon" that monsters with abnormal status attack will appear!
    Take this to challenge to get ORBs with abnormal status♪
    Updated detailsReleased the character level up to "320"- Changed level cap's upper limit from "300" to "320."
    * We have not added the Mevuis Equipment with equipment level "320."

    - Changed the product line-up of Advanced Gear Shop.
    -- Before…Mevius Arms 120 10 - 240 10, 260 10 -13
      After…Mevius Arms 200 10 -  260 13
    -- Due to the above, we have changed the prices.
    * Mevius Arms will not be able to be stored in Sharing Case and Crysta Case.

    - Relaxed the Arm's reduced capability when not using Rift Stones.
    Ex) When Arms' level limit is "200"
    Before… Character level becomes "150" and capability reduced to half.
    After… Character level becomes "100" and capability reduced to half.

    Pets can now be shared within characters!- Added new system to share Pets(!!)
    - In addition to Rune Arms and Astra Arms, now Pets can also be shared through all characters within an account.
    -- You can also take out Pets with different characters as well.

    - New resistant case "Pet Case" is added(!!)
    When you store the Pet in "Pet Case" and crystalize it, some resistant effect's value will be effective against specific monster and skills.
    -- Case list is added to Pet Breeder NPC's "Manage Pet."
    -- If you use "Pet Case Expansion," you can expand Pet Case's slots.

    Event achievements added for limited-time-only"!
    Get rewards from each 100 thousand to 900 thousand points!
    From April 24th to May 8th, we will be adding event achievements that are available only once per daily for 1 account, by total points by 100 thousands points, from 100 thousand, 200 thousand, 300 thousand, 400 thousand...900 thousand.
    *Event Achievement can be received once per daily per 1 account.
    *Event Achievement's total point will be counted from April 24th after maintenance have ended.


    - Achievement's reward items can now be sent to storage.(!!)
    - When achievements are received all, the received achievements' name and items are now shown as list.(!!)

    - Adjusted the total points for Main Tower and Guild Tower.
    -- When the character has defeat points more than each floor's point, the floors' defeat point will be reduced.
    *The message will be shown at the bottom of display when entering the map if using the character that defeat points will be reduced.
    *When defeat total points are decreased up to a certain point, it will not decrease more and will not become 0.

    Improved motions for female-only!- Improved female character's motion!
    There has been changes in poses while waiting for female character.
    -- There will be no influence during the battle.

    Other update details- Changes and adjustments
    - If you are subscribed to Monthly Course, you can use Useful Function at fields and Main Tower, not only at the bases!(!!)
    *You cannot use at places where it is limited for usage for bags etc.

    - Changed to be able to repurchase item up to maximum amount when repurchasing the items.(!!)
    -- Able to select the number of repurchase.
    -- Repurchased items will show the number and sent to bag.
    -- When there isn't any space in the bag, it will be sent to storage.
    -- If the number of items selected cannot be sent to bag or storage, only repurchasable numbers to storage will be conducted.

    - When there are items that has "R" and no "R," the items with "R" will not be dropped anymore.
    -- Items that only has "R" will be dropped.

    - Changed the showing of rank for items and Pets to "Star (Yellow) x Number."(!!)

    - We have changed the items already set in Equipment Set, cannot be used as enhance, evolve and awaken materials.(!!)
    - We have changed the avatars already set in Avatar Set, cannot be traded such as at Recycle Shop.(!!)
    -- Items already set in the Equipment Set or Avatar Set, will be shown as "E (Yellow)."

    - Added to "Show Detail" button to show the item lists for Random Box and Set Box.

    - We have changed to be able to switch ON and OFF for Skill Boost at your own timing.(!!)
    -- Changed to use Jexp every seconds.
    -- When Jexp became "0" and automatically stops.

    - Once the Skill is set up in short-cut, it will no longer be changed from changing class or skills.(!!)
    -- The skill invalid for usage will be colored gray and cannot be used by tapping.

    - Fixed the upper cap for non-critical damage and recovery.
    -- This is the general, balance adjustment from upper cap from regarding current inter-player condition and inter-monster conditions.
    There are no changes or fixes for lower cap for this adjustment.
    *We will be holding game balance adjustment continuously for providing users better gaming environment. We will announce about the adjustments before conducting it.

    - Changed design(!!)
    - Guild icon is now shown next to character name.(!!)
    -- Only Guild Masters can change the icon.
    - Guild icon is now shown next to character name.(!!)
    - Currently selected places will be shown in green.(!!)

    - Changed the design for Party display.(!!)
    - Changed the design for Monster Book.(!!)
    - Changed the design for Chat Log.(!!)
    - Changed the design for Check request display.(!!)

    - Shows "!" when there is new mail.(!!)
    - Added icons at mail screen, for unread mail and attached mail.(!!)

    - Changed PvP
    - In the league match, when the waiting time becomes "0" without the appearance of the opponent, the game has been changed so that the game is incomplete.(!!)
    -- Chance (privilege) to participate in the PvP League will not be used if the match is incomplete.
    Bug Fixes- Fixed an issue of recruiting number of people doesn't reduce although the Party Member has invited a Friend and has joined.
    - Fixed an issue of showing Party recruitment screen although you already joined the Party.
    - Fixed an issue of not having recovery time when Trap Gunner's active skill "Balista."
    -- The recovery time will be reduced when leveled up with Type B.
    - Fixed an issue of not having recovery time when Geo Dancer's active skill "Tripping Gale."
    -- The recovery time will be reduced when leveled up with Type C.
    - Fixed an issue of showing the logged out character from group chat, although character has changed and logged in as another character.
    -- Fixed to show character that are logged in.
    - Fixed an issue of not showing the Guild name at the recruitment bar of Guild Board.
    - Fixed an issue of showing past design when tapping the mail's in-box notification.(!!)

    We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team