Many, many gold! 1 day 1 time-only 10x Free Pack 5/22-
Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.
As thanks to the users,
we will offer a special packwith Mellow Statue and Kodora Statue of free 10 draws once a day!
A special pack with Mellow Statue and Kodora Statue of free 10 draws once a day!As thanks to the users,
we will offer a special packwith Mellow Statue and Kodora Statue of free 10 draws once a day!
[Product Name] Many, many gold! 1 day 1 time-only 10x Free Pack
[Item price] 0 Gems per "Spin x10"
[Sales category] Item Pack
[Sales Period] From 5/22/2019 after the maintenance - until 5/29/2019 04:59 (GMT)
[Notes] * Only able to draw once per day per 1 account. * ''Unpaid Magic Gems will be consumed first'' will be shown but Gems will not be used for this pack.
[Offering Ratio]
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Offering Ratio
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※The offerings ratio is showing rounded off minor 4th place, that there is possibility that the total value will not be 100%.