เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    5/29 [Big Update] Love your character even more!

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Here are the details for updated details for 2019/5/29 maintenance and app version update.

    After the latest app version is official, and the dialogue appears that update is required when the app is launched,
    please install the latest version app from app stores according to your platform.

    Regarding the in- game achievements and login bonus changes
    This time, it takes place in Ocean floor! New floor "52F -Trough-" now open!
    Get 2 types of ORBs with Abnormal Status! "Long Rain"  5/29-
    So many updates! Love your character even more!
    Regarding the in- game achievements and login bonus changes- Added Account Daily to get Gems.
    We will be adding Account Daily to get Gems by clearing each contents and defeating monsters.
    - 1 Gem as reward for clearing the Advent dungeon only on weekends.
    - Receive 1 Gem as a reward when you challenge ZENITH CLASH for the first time per day.
    - 1 Gem as reward for achieving Total 30000.

    - Removing General League's Weekend Daily
    We will be removing the General League's Daily achievements on weekends where you can get 1 Gem from 6 wins, each Saturday and Sunday.
    *There will be no changes for the rewards for Weekly General League Ranking where you can get 1 Gem per 3 wins during weekdays.

    - Other removals
    - nvestigating the time and balance until the defeat, we will be removing the Million Account Achievements.
    - We will be removing Medal of Mastery from Character's Daily Total 30000.
    [Regarding the Gem exchange of Medal of Mastery]
    We will be distributing Gems according to the number of Medals of Mastery at the maintenance on May 29th.
    This will be distributed to accounts who have the login history at least once after March 1, 2019.
    Additionally, the Medals of Mastery owned by the target users will be deleted at the maintenance of May 29th.
    *We will be distributing 1 Unpaid Gem per 1 Medal of Mastery.
    *Please note that the distribution may delay depending on the situation.
    *You will not be able to exchange Medals of Mastery to Gems after the maintenance on May 29th.

    - Changed and added the total login bonus
    We have changed the amount of login bonus for total of 30 days from 15 Gems to 5 Gems.
    Along with above, we will change the login bonus of 1st day to 3rd day to 5 Gems each.
    *The total of Gems for login bonus for 30 days will be the same amount of Gems.

    We will also distribute the Gems to the users below regarding this changes of the login bonus.
    On the May 29th maintenance,
    - User with 1st day login ... 5 Gems
    - User with 2nd to 29th day login ... 10 Gems
    *Please note that the target for this distribution will be limited to accounts who have the login history at least once after March 1st, 2019.

    - Added the login bonus after the total login days after 361 days.
    Added ORB BOX, Boss ORB BOX, RE ORB BOX, and Gems are also added as rewards.
    *Please check the timing of each types of items from the game:
    Option >>> Bonus >>> All Logins

    - Removing Class League
    Matching for Class League became difficult due to  few requests and operation.
    Regards to the above issue, we will be removing Class League after the maintenance on May 29th.
    Due to this removal, Weekly Class League Ranking will also be removed.

    >>> Please check here for more about reviews for each rewards

    - Added other account achievements
    Now able to get 1 Gem as Account Achievement as you reach to each floors of Main Tower.
    This time, it takes place in Ocean floor! New floor "52F -Trough-" now open!

    The first floor of "Ocean floor" "52F -Trough-" is newly added!

    Beautiful world where colorful reefs live and light shines in the water…
    But there will be powerful monsters await!

    Let's go out for a new adventure!!

    We will be releasing 2nd and 3rd floors for following updates. Please look forward♪

    Also, we will be adding new limited quests for new floors as well !
    Don't miss this chance to get ORBs from the monsters on the new floors as well♪

    Here are more details about limited quests!
    Get 2 types of ORBs with Abnormal Status! "Long Rain"  5/29-Adventurers, you're called for this!
    Let's stop the rain and make it shine !

    We will be starting "Long Rain"
    from after the maintenance on May 29, 2019 (Wed) !​

    Event Period
    From 5/29/2019 after the maintenance - until 6/12/2019 04:59 (GMT)

    Here are more information about "Long Rain"
    So many updates! Love your character even more!Change in details regarding each Dungeons to be closed- We will be reviewing the Dungeons so-far.
    [Closing Dungeon]
    - Parallel Dungeon  Int/Adv
    - Ablution of evolution  Nov/Int/Adv
    - Day of the week limited Room Nov/Int/Adv/RE
    - Day of the week limited Treasure Quest and Gold Room
    - Day of the week limited Cave Nov/Int/Adv/
    [Changing details of the Dungeon]
    - Special Dungeon
    -- Changed the DP from 10 to 30.
    -- Twice the amount of rewards to get.
    -- Changed the number of monsters and its strength.
    -- Added necessary BP
    - Day of the week limited Cave RE
    -- Changed the time limit from 1 hour to 5 minutes.
    -- Changed the limit level from 100 to None.
    - Ablution of evolution RE
    -- Changed the limit level from 100 to None.
    - Newly added Solo-only Resist Dungeon and Soul Dungeon.
    *Due to cancelling this Dungeon, some, related quests will also be cancelled as well.
    [5/29 7:30(GMT)Edit]
    - Addition and changes for Advent Dungeon due to game balance
    - Advent Dungeon (Adv/Ex Adv) end
    - Changed the name from Advent Dungeon Ex+ Adv to Advent Dungeon
    - Unified Advent Dungeon's DP from 70 to 50
    - Optimized the Suited BP for Advent Dungeon according to current player's equipment and enhanced condition.
    -- Set up necessary BPs for each types of Advent Dungeon
    - Adjusting Advent Dungeon's monsters' parameter to improve the battle balance
    - Change the drop items for each Advent Dungeons
    -- Raised some of the drop rate before the maintenance.
    - Added the Boss Monster's Core ORB in clearing reward for Advent Dungeons

    Regarding the closing and changes in detail with Technical Battles- We will be reviewing existing Technical Battles so far.
    [Closing Technical Battle (Single・Multi・Guild)]
    - RUSH 0, 1, 2, 3
    - BOSS BATTLE 1, 2, 3
    - Quick Battle 1, 2, 3
    - FREE WAY  1, 2
    - Silver Sand SURVIVAL RUSH
    - MB RUSH 1, 2, 3
    - MB BOSS BATTLE 1, 2, 3
    - MB QUICK BATTLE 1, 2, 3
    [Changing details of the Technical Battle]
    - Changed the name from Silver Sand SURVIVAL RUSH MB to Silver Sand SURVIVAL RUSH and changed level limit from 100 to None.
    - Changed the name from MB RUSH 3 to RUSH (Single・Multi), changed the level limit from 100 to None.
    [5/29 7:30(GMT)Edit]
    - Changes regarding Silver Sand SURVIVAL RUSH and RUSH (For both Single and Multi) after name change
    -- Changed to DP40
    -- Changed to Suited BP
    -- Changed necessary amount of Defeats for each rewards and rewards
    -- Adjusted the strength of appearing monsters

    Avatar Contest added! Let's go out with your favorite Avatar! And new Faces are also available!We have changed and improved to make your character more fashionable!

    [Added Avatar Contest]
    You can now register your character's equipping Avatar in Avatar Ranking and you will receive evaluation from other players.
    You can join the Avatar Contest from [Avatar Contest Judge] Canan in Revere.
    -- You can check your registered Avatar from your "Avatar Card."
    -- You may also check all characters' "Avatar Card" who is already registered in the Avatar Ranking.
    -- You can also evaluate the style shown from "Avatar Card."
    -- The evaluation from other players will be calculated every week and ranked.

    [Style your character more]
    - Added 3 types of character's face types for both male and female (6 types total).
    - Changed the design of the salon to change hairstyle and face.
    - Character now moves with emotion randomly chosen while s/he waits.

    Let's spin with Weird Copper Coin!
    In- game BOX Pack now available
    - In- game BOX Pack now available!
    We have added the Voice BOX Pack that can be used with "Weird Copper Coin" at the Event Square.
    You can now get various Character Voices lined- up within the BOX with Weird Copper Coin.
    -- You can either spin from Male Voice BOX Pack and Female Voice BOX Pack NPCs.

    Other update details- Changes and adjustments for gaming balance
    - Changed the effect to not to activate the same effect for few seconds once it has become invincible for Revenger Skill "Melting Road." 
    - Changed to be able to guard with restrain resistance at certain rate when receiving a skill to prohibit dash.
    - Set up the upper value of Status when summoned monster's status increases.
    - Added Core ORBs for Ex+ Adv monsters to drop in Advent Dungeons.

    - Change in the drop rate of the line-up Defeat Reward Box.
    *Please check the changed line-ups within the game.

    - Change in the drop rate of details for Defeat Reward Box+.
    *Please check the changed line-ups within the game.

    - Deleting some of accessory item with the low usage rate.
    *List of items being deleted after the maintenance on May 29th (Wed)
    Life Tattoo
    Life Statue
    Frozen Flower
    Origami crane
    Vigor Tattoo
    Soul Statue
    Frozen Fruit
    Origami turtle

    - Other Changes
    We have made changes to Shop products below.
    - Changed "Dungeon Ticket x3" to unlimited number of purchase.
    - Changed "ZENITH CLASH Ticket" from 3 Gems for 1 ticket to 1 Gem for 3-ticket set and now able to purchase unlimited.

    - Changed the design of the rim for items' icon to the same one for skill.
    - Changed to show the number of Kills and Deaths of Player and Guild while joining the PvP and GvG.
    --  Player can also close the display as well.
    - Changed to the same design of display for selecting basic classes when changing classes for Advanced Class or Awaken Class.

    - Changed to show the start button when 18 people gathered in a room in starting the Defense Line.
    --  Dungeon to show the start button after 1 minute when the room for Dungeon is full.
    *When the room is not full, the count will reset, and will show the start button when the room becomes full after a minute.
    - Changed from having a box layered inside, to show up the items put together in 1 box.
    -- Small Rune BOX, Small BOX G/Middle Rune BOX, Middle Rune BOX G/Big Rune BOX, Big Rune BOX G, will be changed.

    - Enhanced the status for Practice Jabbawock.
    - Changed to move to Revere instead of 1F - Sonaria-  after the Tutorial.
    - You may now able to receive 1 reward after ending Beginners Support Ring 100 "Practice defeating Leaf Liz" and "Change Class."

    Ending Contents- We will be ending the exchange of the item from NPCs below due to the adjustment of in- game balance.
    - We will be ending the item exchange with WV Reward Manager NPC.
    *Please note that items acquired from Pack using War God Medal will not be able to exchange after May 29th (Wed), 2019.
    *World VS Reception NPC will also be removed as well.
    *Please note that War God Medal will not drop from Random Boxes from May 29th (Wed), after maintenance.

    - We will be removing Weird Copper Coin Exchanger NPC as well.
    *Please note that you will not be able to exchange Weird Copper Coin to Event Coin after the maintenance on May 29th, 2019.

    - We will be ending the Event Coin Item Exchange ran by NPC Ramn.
    *Please note that you will not be able to exchange items from Event Coins after the maintenance on May 29th (Wed), 2019.
    *You are now able to sell the Event Coins with the 1/4 of Copper Coins' price.

    - We will be ending every Emergency Quests from Faine.
    Bug Fixes- Fixed an issue of not being able to enter the field regardless of not reaching the upper cap to be able to enter the PvP field.
    - Fixed an issue of able to become Abnormal Status added from April 24th (Wed), while "Yang- Palladium" is effective.
    - Fixed an issue when the character is invited to the Party but when logged out, that character was still uninvited when logging back in again, under specific condition.
    - Fixed an issue when the character is sent Friend request but when logged out, request to that character was not sent  when logging back in, under specific condition.
    - Fixed an issue of showing the text of necessary Battle- P and Battle- P value overlapping, when transferred.
    - Fixed an issue of not being able to know the battling character's team, while spectating the official tournament and official GvG tournament.
    - Fixed an issue of size of the character are zoomed in in the Preview when buying arms at Arms Shop.
    - Fixed an issue of the brightness of the device has changed when unlocking Battery Saving Mode under specific condition.
    - Fixed an issue of some Help Book not showing correctly.


    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team