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    Notice for update on 8/7

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Here are the details for updated details for 2019/8/7 maintenance and app version update.

    For the followings, the content which has (!!) will be applied to latest version of application. 
    * It will take time to update the app version.
    Updated details - Monster's strength will be adjusted for Challenge Dungeon.
    - In calculating Battle Power, buffs added and supplement effects for limited time for active skills and others will be excluded.

    6 stars to 10 stars will be added for Summoner Advanced Class EX Skill.
    - Due to the above, now able to evolve to 10 stars of Summoner Advanced Class EX Skill Ring.
    - Each recipe is added due to unlocking the upper cap of Summoner Advanced Class' EX Skill Ring.
    - Skill rate, SP usage, buff/debuff effect added to Skill will be the same with 5 stars.
    - Status will be added from 6 stars as below.
    -- Status added "20" for 6 stars (STR, INT, VIT, MEN, DEX).
    -- Status added "40" for 7 stars (STR, INT, VIT, MEN, DEX).
    -- Status added "60" for 8 stars (STR, INT, VIT, MEN, DEX).
    -- Status added "80" for 9 stars (STR, INT, VIT, MEN, DEX).
    -- Status added "100" for 10 stars (STR, INT, VIT, MEN, DEX).

    It will be the same conditions to change class from Summoner Advanced Class for other Advanced Class.
    - There will be no necessary items for changing class to change class in Summoner Advanced Class.
    - Due to this, clearing "Challenge from the summoned monster" will be cancelled,and now able to change class by offering the necessary items like other class.
    Ex. In case of Summoner Advanced Class "Exester"
    You don't need to clear "Challenge from Bahamut" and "Dragon Stones" and "Illusionary Crystals"

    Regarding changes with Resist Case.
    - The status rate in the Resist Case will be raised from 50% to 60%.
    - Maximum slots for Resist Case will be from 30 to 50.

    Other update details
    - Adventurer Equipment will be the default equipment when created.
    - Adventurer Arms will be deleted from rewards from quests you can receive Adventurer Equipments.
    - Adventurer Arms' status will be adjusted.
    - There will be changes in number of defeats in defeat quests and amount to offer for collection quests on 1F to 3F.
    Bug Fixes- Fixed an issue of auto-quest function stops due to offering items were items on the 35F for 36F collection quest.
    - Fixed an issue of necessary JEXP amount for learning skill levels 1 to 5 and branch B's skill levels 6 to 10 is different from the original required number for some Advanced Class skills.

    - Fixed an issue of not being able to change the icon at the profile for iOS device.(!!)


    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team