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    Co-op with guild members for time attack! 20th AVABEL SUPER FIGHT!! will be open from 9/4

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    We will be holding  "20th AVABEL SUPER FIGHT!!"after the maintenance on September 4, 2019!

    This "AVABEL SUPER FIGHT!!" will be [Guild Member Co-op type] of defeating time attack to appearing monsters.

    Which guild will record the fastest clear time?!

    Co-op with your guild members and reach to be Top 3 clear time for your own special avatar engraved with guild name!

    Please check down below for more details.
    Dates/TimeFrom 9/4/2019 after the maintenance - until 9/11/2019 04:59 (GMT)How to participate1.During the period, you can get 3 "20th SUPER FIGHT Entrance Tickets" once per day as account achievements.

    2.Talk to NPC "SUPER FIGHT Transferrer" in Event Square!

    3.Please proceed from "Create" > "SUPERFIGHT -Guild Time Attack-."
    * 1 "20th SUPER FIGHT Entrance Ticket" is used, when participating once.

    3.When Time Attack starts, defeat as fast as you can!
    The time is recorded when the last monster is defeated.

    4.You can participate as many times as you like, challenge yourself to shorten your time and win over more rivals around the world.

    Rules- There will be multiple, different types of monsters.
    - Last monster defeated will be recorded as the final time.
    - Ranking will be calculated Japan and Oversea servers separately.
    - As you cleared many times with a specific guild, the shortest time will be added to the ranking.
    - The character's status will be fixed for Technical Battle Area.
    - The effects for ORBs, Crysta Case, and Element Case will be activated.

    Appearing monsters (some)Look over the monster type and get your weapons ready!

    -Forneus Core
    --Monster Type: Aqua
    -Vairgin Core
    --Monster Type: Spirit
    -Shnida Core
    --Monster Type: Insect
    -Aungahel Core
    --Monster Type: Illusion
    -Mills Golem Core
    --Monster Type: Plant
    -Gran Zeal Core
    --Monster Type: Demon

    RewardsNot only for everyone who have cleared the time attack will get 1 Gem, but players in the Top 10 Guild will get special avatar for reward! 

    Original avatar with tournament logo and  engraved "Guild Name" will be awarded for the Top 3 Guild and guild members as well.

    Warnings*Please refrain from actions that may interrupt the event.
    *Once the misconduct was confirmed, it will be excluded from the ranking.
    * We will be sending gifts according to clear time, Japan and Oversea servers separetely.
    *Members belonging to the guild will be those at the time is aggregated.
    *It may not be taken into consideration regarding joining and withdrawing from Guild members before and after aggregation.
    [Event Limited Sale] "20th SUPER FIGHT Entrance Ticket" on sale 1 ticket for 1 Gem!20th SUPER FIGHT Entrance Ticket will be on sale limited time during the event at AVABEL ONLINE Shop!

    [Item Product]
    20th SUPER FIGHT Entrance Ticket

    [Item price]
    1 Gems per "Spin x1"

    [Sales category]

    [Sales Period]
    9/4/2019 (Wed) after the maintenance - 9/11/2019 (Wed) 4:59 (GMT)

    We hope many players can participate and enjoy this tournament!

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team