[11/28 04:05(GMT) Edit]11/27 [Big Update] New content "Battle Royale" added!
Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.
Here are the details for updated details for 2019/11/27maintenance and app version update.
After the latest app version is official, and the dialogue appears that update is required when the app is launched, please install the latest version app from app stores according to your platform. [11/28 04:05(GMT) Edit]
The start of Battle Royale and sales of mount items, scheduled for yesterday, will take place after maintenance at 5:00(GMT).
The first Battle Royale after the maintenance will start from 6:00(GMT)
We have added more information regarding the following. We deeply apologize for insufficient information. [About setting upper cap for HP and SP]
1: There will be base HP and base SP fixed for HP and SP.
・Definition of Base HP
HP from character level, class, VIT increase + "HP+●●" from Character's accessory + "HP+●●" added to Crysta Case
・Definition of Base SP
HP from character level, class, MEN increase + "SP+●●" from Character's accessory + "SP+●●" added to Crysta Case
2: ORBs, passive skills, buff skills, and raising effects will each be up to maximum +100%. *With the above contents were added in the update on November 27th, but the increase effect of passive skills and buff skills will be changed to a maximum of +300% at the maintenance scheduled for November 28th at 14:00.
*Increasing effect by the ORB will be up to +100% even after the 11/28 maintenance.
*ORBs' raising effect overall will be up to +100% while equipping.
*ORBs, passive skills, and buff skills' raising effect will be up to +400%.
*ORBs, passive skills, buff skills' increase effects will be adjusted by observing the balance later on >>> Battle Royale is new in AVABEL! >>>Winter is coming! Event "Ice Quick&Ice Quick Ultimate" opens from 11/27! >>> Updated detailsBattle Royale is new in AVABEL!
Survival against other Adventurers in the vast field of the Tower! The new content, "Battle Royale" will be added in AVABEL ONLINE after the maintenance on November 27th (Wed) !
Survive through by defeating the powerhouse players !!
>>>> Click here for more details of EventsUpdated details[About Setting up Status Upper Cap]>>> STR,INT,VIT,MEN,DEX status' upper cap are set.
- Each status' upper cap will be set maximum up to "7200." - Upper cap will be Character Level x 20.
Ex: If the Character Level is Lv320, the upper cap will be "6400," if Lv200, the upper cap will be "4000," and if Lv80, the upper cap will be "1600."
- Please note that upper cap are total of each skill's buff, ORBs, and Rune Arms, and not the upper cap of raising status.
- Each status raised by Buff Skills, effective until the upper cap. * Please note that as upper cap is reached, debuff will occur as using buff skills.
[Other Update Details]- The following items are deleted as drop items.
-- Red Nut, Blue Nut, Clear Bottle, Magical Powder, and Iron Ores.
- You will not be able to use Stone of recollection in arms enhancement.
-- Due to this, funtion to sustain the level of the arms by using Stone of recollection will be deleted.
- Old Weapon Box and Armor Box will be deleted from dropped items.
-- Mevius Box will rarely drop from some dungeon and monsters that usually drops Old Weapon Box and Armor Box.
- Rusty Black Box will be deleted from drop items.
-- Mevius Box will rarely drop from some dungeons and monsters that usually drops Rusty Black Box.
- The following Weapon Shop and Armor Shop NPC will be unified in to Arms Shop Irris.
-- Astoria...Weapon Shop Chris, Armor Shop Shop Rem
-- Nocturall...Weapon Shop Morris, Armor Shop Emifa
- The rewards will be shown beforehand in the technical battle.
- Once you clear the tutorial, tutorial can be skipped as you create a new character, and start from Revere. Bug Fixes- Fixes for small issues.
We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.
AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team