[11/29 03:40(GMT) Edit][Newly Added] New battle has begun! "Battle Royale" starts!
Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.
The new, large field for adventurers fight to survive appears in the Tower!
After the maintenance on November 27 (Wed), New content added to AVABEL ONLINE ! "Battle Royale" is newly added ![11/29 03:40(GMT) Edit] [Notice for changes in starting time] We have changed the starting time of the Battle Royale has changed to every hour on the hour (i.e., 12:00). The battle starts 5 minutes after the hour. We deeply apologize for the later notice. >>>You are able to enter the Battle Royale Entry Room, every hour on the hour (i.e., 12:00).
>>>The Battle Royale will start at 10 min past the hour (i.e.. 12:10) (JST).
>>> What is AVABEL's "Battle Royale"?
This is a survival battle until 1 adventurer is left in the wide battle field.
As the field narrows down and mastering the mount skills, survive until the last one left on the field!
[Joining Battle Royale]
"Battle Royale" is the new, large-scale contents where numerous players will gather and use the large and wide field.
In order to play this content without any issue, you will need over 2G of device's memory for AVABEL ONLINE.
Please note that if the memory do not meet 2G, it will not be suitable condition in joining Battle Royale.
* Connection might disconnect in the Battle Royale Entry Room while the battle is ongoing, due to adjustments. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
* There may be further changes and adjustments for Battle Royale in the future. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Battle Royale Period>>>You are able to enter the Battle Royale Entry Room, every hour on the hour (i.e., 12:00).
>>>The Battle Royale will start at 10 min past the hour (i.e.. 12:10) (JST).
>>> You may enter the Battle Royale Entry Room from the following time schedule after the maintenance on November 27th, 2019. 00:00, 03:00, 06:00, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00
>>> Battle Royale will start in the special field from the following time schedule. 00:05, 03:05, 06:05, 09:05, 12:05, 15:05, 18:05, 21:05 *The time will be written in JST, so the starting time will differ according to the country.Battle Royale Time ScheduleTime Schedule 1. Players will be able to enter the Battle Royale Entry Room every hour on the hour (i.e., 12:00).
2. Players will be able to prepare in the Battle Royale Entry Room every hour for 5 minutes.
3. Battle Royale will start at 5 minutes past the hour in the special field for Battle Royale. * You cannot enter the field after the battle starts.
4. Battle will be about 30 minutes; from 5 to 35 minutes past the hour. *The time will be written in JST, so the starting time will differ according to the country.How to join Battle Royale[1] How to join Battle Royale
- Talk to NPC "Battle Royale Guide Wallis" in Revere, and head over to Battle Royale Entry Room !
[2] Talk to NPC "Battle Royale Guide Wallis" in the entry room, and move to the Battle Royale special field!
2-1. There are some, specific items you cannot bring and use in the Battle Royale, so please prepare beforehand in the entry room. [Items you can bring for Battle Royale]
- Equipped avatars (*Cannot bring avatars you are not equipped)
- Equipped accessories (*Cannot bring accessories you are not equipped)
- Equipped mount item (*Cannot bring mount items you are not equipped) -- Click here for mount items
- Every characters will start with the following equipped arms.
-- Adventurer Dagger, Adventurer Cap, Adventurer Armor, Adventurer Grieg. Adventurer Talisman *Arms will be stored in bag, and players need to equip by themselves.2-2. Characters' level is "1."
2-3. Characters' status will be all "1."
2-4. It will start with the Class when entering the Battle Royale Entry Room. *You will not be able to change Class in the Battle Royale Entry Room.
2-5. You may enter and leave the Battle Royale Entry Room freely during Battle Royale is open.
2-6. If you are ready to join the Battle Royale, talk to NPC "Battle Royale Guide Wallis" and move to the field.
2-7. You cannot move to another field when the Battle Royale starts.
*You cannot join the Battle Royale unless the level is "1."
*Please talk to NPC Faine in Battle Royale Entry Room if you want to return to base.
[3] Let the battle begin in the large Battle Royale field!
Characters will be placed randomly as entering the Battle Royale's field.
Let's defeat the other players and survive until the last one! Battle Royale Rules[1] Defeat the monsters in the field and level-up! Freshen up the equipment with dropped items!
1-1. As entering the Battle Royale's field, character will automatically be placed, randomly.
1-2. All the characters will start from level 1, and status will be from 1 in the Battle Royale.
1-3. As you defeat the monsters in the field, you can get EXPs, and level up the characters.
1-4.Equipment items are dropped from the monsters, and able to complete it one by one. * EXPs and items received will be only for Battle Royale, and cannot be taken out from the Battle Royale field.
[2] Only believe yourself! Defeat other players and survive!
2-1. As the Battle Royale is running, the field will be narrowed.
2-2. You will lose when your own character's HP becomes "0" as your character is attacked by other players and monsters.
2-3. Your rank will be confirmed as you have lost, and get reward according to the rank.
2-4. You cannot challenge the same battle again, once you have lost.(*You will go back to the Entry Room)
2-5. By defeating all the other players within the field, and survived until the last one, you will be confirmed to be the 1st place.
2-6. As the battle time has ended and multiple players have survived, all the surviving players will be confirmed to be 1st place.
2-7. Once the winner is confirmed, the battle will end although the time still remains.
[3] Move faster by using the mounting skill only in the field!
- You can use the mount items where you can run fast in the vast field for Battle Royale.
>>> Click here for more details about mount itemsAbout Mount Items
[About Mount Items]
- Equip to "Jewels."
- There are 1 hour type and continuous types.
-- 1 hour type will automatically delete the effect after 1 hour. * Please note that the countdown for 1 hour type will start as you equip on to Jewel.
- There are "Normal,""Endurance," and "Speed" types.
- There will be "boss" monsters for mounting monsters, which has higher performance than the normal mounting monsters. * Mount can only be used in "Battle Royale" and in some map.
[How to use mount items]
- As you equip the mount items on to "Jewel," "Mount Skill" will be added to Novice Skill so please learn the skill beforehand.
- You can use the "Mount Skill" by directly using the skill, or setting the skill on to short-cut.
[About the Mount Skill]
- When using mount skill's "Ride," character will be riding the monster.
- Character will ride after 3 seconds the character using the skill. * Character can move for 3 seconds until riding.
- When dismounting, use mount skill's "Get down." * Character gets off after 3 seconds using the skill.
- There will be recasting (waiting time) until the ride.
- When riding, the mount status will show and not the character status.
- Each mount will have specific moving speed, HP, DEF and DEF.
- Each status of the mount will be higher as there are more stars of mount items.
- The HP of the mount can be recovered by natural recovery, potion and recovery skills while riding. (*It will not recover as you get off)
- When the mount's HP becomes "0," the riding will be removed. If you call the mount once again, the HP will be "1."
- You cannot use all skills except for Skill Boost while riding.
[About Evolving Mount]
- You will need 2 of "the same mount item with 1 star after evolving," "Evolution Gangues," "ORB with the same mount" and Gold to evolve the mount. * Players can evolve the mount at Synthesis Melia.
* Items necessary for evolving will differ according to the recipe.About winning Battle Royale- The rank will be confirmed once you have survived until a certain number of players are left in the field. *The reward will not be confirmed at this point.
[After the end of Battle Royale]
- Please talk to NPC Faine in the Battle Royale Entry Room if going back to base.
[About joining the next Battle Royale]
- Players will go back to Battle Royale Entry Room after the Battle Royale ends.
- Players will not join the next Battle Royale by just waiting in the entry room.
- After the end of Battle Royale and joining the next Battle Royale, talk over to NPC Faine and go back to base, and re-enter by talking over to NPC "Battle Royale Guide Wallis." * By not joining the Battle Royale and staying in the Battle Royale Entry Room, you do not need to re-enter to join the next battle.
* If it was Lv1 in Battle Royale, it is not necessary to re-enter for the next battle. Defeat strong players and survive!!