เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    12/11 Notice for update

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Here are the details for updated details for 2019/12/11 maintenance and app version update.

    After the latest app version is official, and the dialogue appears that update is required when the app is launched,
    please install the latest version app from app stores according to your platform.
    SAMURAI WARRIOR 4 x AVABEL ONLINE Collaboration starts!!
    Updated details>>> Some of achievement rewards when reached to Total Defeat Points (Account) will be changed.

    [Unlock Level Cap]>>> Level Cap will be changed from  "360" to "400." The following details will be updated due to this change.
    - Necessary EXPs to level-up for Level "381" to "400" will be raised.
    * We will notify again when the level cap is unlocked after level "401" and changes regarding necessary EXPs.
    * Necessary EXPs to unlock after Level "401" for level "381" to "400" will be relaxed.
    * We may relax necessary EXPs in the future as well, but the raised level will not be changed before it was relaxed.

    - Mevius Arms Equipment Level Limit "360" and "380" will be added.
    - The expert evolve Mevius Arms will be raised until Equipment Level Limit "320."
    - Evolution Recipe for Equipment Level "340" Mevius Arms will be changed.
    * Mevius Arms cannot be stored in Sharing Case, Crysta Case.

    - Rift Stones, Slot Release and ORB Remover for Equipment Level Limit "360" and "380" will be added.
    - Rift Stones, Slot Release and ORB Remover for Equipment Level Limit "360" and "380" will be added in the Synthesis NPC's Production Recipes.

    - Support Ring 400 will be added.

    [15 stars of Rune Arms Added]>>> 15 stars of Rune Arms will be added.
    - You can only purchase 15 stars of Rune Arms at Shop.
    - You will not be able to evolve from 14 stars to 15 stars of Rune Arms.

    [12 and 13 stars of Astra Arms Added]>>> 12 and 13 stars of Astra Arms is added.
    - Due to this, elements added when Astra Arms are stored in Element Case will be changed.
    - You can only purchase 12 and 13 stars of Astra Arms at Shop.
    - You will not be able to evolve from 11 stars to 12 stars of Astra Arms.

    [Other Update Details]>>> You can send "BOX" including the following items attached to in-game mail.
    - 10 to 15 stars of Equipment Level "340" to "380"
    - 14 and 15 stars of Rune Arms
    - 12 and 13 stars of Astra Arms
    * You cannot redo into "BOX" once it is opened.
    * The users cannot create "BOX."
    * You cannot attach Arms received from using the items in the "BOX" on to the mail.
    * Please note that there may be changes for the "BOX" in the future.
    * Please note to interact with the "BOX" between users. There may be penalties according to Penalty Policy to the when there is delinquency.

    >>> Changes from "Tree Soldier" to "Mech Lord" in ZENITH CLASH.
    - Ranking format for ZENITH CLASH -Mech Lord- (Ranking) will be added.
    - ZENITH CLASH -Mech Lord- (Ranking) will reset every Sunday on 00:00, and will be distributed according to the weekly record.
    - The battle time for ZENITH CLASH will be changed to "15 minutes" from "1 hour."
    Bug Fixes- Fixes for small issues.
    We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team