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    [2/21 7:00 Edit] 2/19 Notice for update/ 2月19日版本更新详情
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Here are the details for updated details for 2020/2/19 maintenance and app version update.

    Updated details [Unlocking Level Cap]
    ▼Level Cap will be changed from "400" to "420. Due to this change, the following will be updated.

    ・ Due to this, the necessary EXPs for existing levels "381" to "400" will be alleviated.
    ・ Mevius Arms with equipment level limit "400" will be added.
    ・ You will need the new item "Expert Crystals" in order to expert evolve the equipment level from "380" to "400."
    ・ The evolution recipe will be changed for Mevius Arms with equipment level "400."
    ・ Rift Stones, Slot Release, and ORB Removers for Equipment level limit "400" will be added.
    ・ Rift Stone, Slot Release, and ORB Remover for equipment level limit "400" will be added to Synth NPC's Production Recipe.

    ▼ZENITH CLASH will be changed from "Mech Lord" to "Fiend"

    [2/21 7:00 Edit]
    ▼Change in the specification for Official PvP and GvG
    ・ Removed the limit for using items, and now able to use items as the normal PvP.
    Planned Events, Campaigns

    Fixed Issue.
    - Issues of the lower limit of "Battle-P limit" is higher than the upper limit at Defense Line
    - Issues of some NPCs and Play Character's voices cannot be played
    - Issues of debuff icons not showing in the upper part of the screen when using the skill for debuff effect.
    - Fixed other, small issues

    We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team

    感谢您一直以来对「阿瓦贝尔圣境~AVABEL ONLINE~」的支持

    Updated details【解放等级上限】

    ・ 现有的Lv「381」~「400」升级必要经验值将进行缓和。
    ・ 实装装备等级限制「400」的莫比乌斯武具。
    ・ 变更装备等级「400」的莫比乌斯武具进化配方。
    ・ 实装应对装备等级限制「400」的牵引石、镶嵌开放器、魂晶除去器。
    ・ 合成屋NPC的生产配方内,追加应对装备等级限制「400」的牵引石、镶嵌开放器、魂晶除去器。

    ▼ 苍穹争霸从「械王」变更为「邪神」

    【2/21 7:00追记】
    ・ 废除道具的使用限制,与一般PvP相同,可使用道具

    其他対応内容 ・ 防卫战内,「战斗力限制」的下线数值高于上限数值的异常现象
    ・ 部分NPC和玩家角色的声音无法自动播放的异常现象
    ・ 使用具有debuff效果的技能时,画面有时无法显示debuff图标的异常现象

    「阿瓦贝尔圣境 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」营运团队 敬上

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
     「阿瓦贝尔圣境 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」营运团队 敬上