Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.
Here are the details for updated details for 2020/2/19 maintenance and app version update.
Updated details [Unlocking Level Cap]
▼Level Cap will be changed from "400" to "420. Due to this change, the following will be updated.
・ Due to this, the necessary EXPs for existing levels "381" to "400" will be alleviated.
・ Mevius Arms with equipment level limit "400" will be added.
・ You will need the new item "Expert Crystals" in order to expert evolve the equipment level from "380" to "400."
・ The evolution recipe will be changed for Mevius Arms with equipment level "400."
・ Rift Stones, Slot Release, and ORB Removers for Equipment level limit "400" will be added.
・ Rift Stone, Slot Release, and ORB Remover for equipment level limit "400" will be added to Synth NPC's Production Recipe.
▼ZENITH CLASH will be changed from "Mech Lord" to "Fiend"
[2/21 7:00 Edit]
▼Change in the specification for Official PvP and GvG
・ Removed the limit for using items, and now able to use items as the normal PvP. Planned Events, Campaigns

Fixed Issue. - Issues of the lower limit of "Battle-P limit" is higher than the upper limit at Defense Line
- Issues of some NPCs and Play Character's voices cannot be played
- Issues of debuff icons not showing in the upper part of the screen when using the skill for debuff effect.
- Fixed other, small issues
We kindly request for continued support to AVABEL ONLINE.
AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team